TM 5-6115-376-13
b. Inspection. Inspect wiring for cracked or
with an audible snap, If the switch works too
frayed insulation. Broken or cut wires must be
easy or does not make good contact, the circuit
replaced. If the break is in an accessible place,
breaker switch is defective and must be replaced.
replace the wire, Cracked or frayed insulation,
To replace a circuit breaker switch proceed as
if the wire is exposed, must be repaired.
follows :
(1) Open cover and remove top and bottom
c. Testing. Disconnect each end of the lead and
is not indicated, the lead has a break and must be
connect power leads at top and bottom of defective
repaired or replaced.
circuit breaker,
d. Repair. Remove insulation on the lead to
expose one half inch of bare wire on both sides of
(2) ) and pull circuit breaker from front of panel.
the break. Clean both exposed wires, twist them
(4) Place replacement circuit breaker switch
together, and solder the connections. Cover sol-
in position on cross bar of switchbox, and secure
dered connection with electrical tape and function
with attaching hardware. Install the six power
tape. Do not leave any bare wire exposed. Repair
leads, and panels. Close cover.
cracked or frayed insulation, if the wire is ex-
posed, by covering with electrical tape and func-
tion tape. If a terminal lug breaks off a wire,
a. General. The electrical circuits in the distri-
replace it, using an exact duplicate terminal lug.
bution box, portable distribution box, synchro-
e. Replacement. Replace a lead by disconnect-
nizer assembly or switchbox, are completed by
ing both ends from the component (s). If the lead
either individual wire leads or several leads in-
is not part of a harness, remove the lead and in-
closed in a wiring harness. All wiring carries
stall a new one. If the lead to be replaced is part
code numbers and/or a color coding. When test-
of a harness, tape both disconnected ends, install
ing, repairing, or replacing leads or a harness,
a new lead and attach new lead to outside of the
refer to the applicable wiring diagram. The
wiring harness, Replacement leads should be of
wiring diagram for the synchronizer assembly is
the same color wire and tagged with code num-
on top of the assembly; on inside back panel of the
bers, and must be of same wire size and character-
distribution box and switchbox; and on bottom
istics as the original.
inside of the portable distribution box.