TM 5-6115-376-13
(7) Remove locknut (48), washer (26), nut
(1) Adjust open contact gap to 5/8-inch by
(48), and spring assembly (49). Remove nut
turning nut on armature stop screw in or out.
(32), washer (6), lead cable (33), and movable
(2) Adjust back finger gap between contact
contact point (45), and remove washer (44) from
finger and contact arm to l/4-inch by turning back
point mounting post mounted on terminal board.
finger pin in or out.
d. Automatic Switch, Inspection, Repair and
(3) Closed contact deflection should be 1/16-
Reassembly. Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks,
inch manual. All contacts must make and break
damaged threads, cracked, broken or damaged in-
sulation or other obvious defective parts. Repair
f. Relay Switch, The synchronizer assembly
or replace defective parts as necessary. Reassem-
contains two relay switches each having a two-
ble automatic switch in reverse order of disassem-
fold purpose of acting as a safety device for the
automatic switch, and to regulate flow of current
to the electromagnet on the automatic switch to
c. Automatic Switch, Adjustment. Refer to
permit the electronic synchronizer for generator