TM 5-6115-376-13
A-1. Fire Protection
Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers Approved for Army Troop Users.
TB 5-4200-200-10
A-2. Lubrication
Generator Set. Diesel Engine: 45KW, AC, 120/208, 240/416V, 3 Phase,
LO 5-6115-239-20
60 Cycle, Convertible to 37.5 KW, 50 Cycle; Skid Mounted (Consolidated
Diesel Electric Model 4070) w/Continental Engine Model TD 427.
Generator Set, Diesel Engine: 45KW, AC, 120/208, 240/416V, 3 Phase,
LO 5-6115-247-15
50/60 Cycle; Skid Mounted; Winterized (Stewart & Stevenson Model
54400) FSN 6115-970-0006.
Generator Set, Diesel Engine: 60KW 120/208-240/416V, 3 Phase, 4 Wire,
LO 5-6115-425-12
50-60 Hertz, Liquid Cooled, Skid Mounted (Military Design SF-60-MD/
CIED), w/Cumjmins Engine Model C180 and Generator Set, Diesel
Engine: 60KW 120/208-240/416V, 3 Phase, 400 Hertz Liquid Cooled,
Skid Mounted (Military Design HF-60-MD/CIED) w/Cummins Engine
Model C180.
Truck Chassis: 5-Ton, 6 x 6, M39, M40, M40C, M61, M61A2, M63, M63C,
LO 9-2320-211-12
M139, M139C, M139D, M139F; truck Cargo: 5-Ton, 6x6 M41, M54,
M54A1, M54A2, M55, M55A2; truck Dump: 5-Ton; 6x6, M51, M51A2,
Truck Tractor, 5-Ton, 6x6, M52, M52A1, M52A2: Truck Tractor,
Wrecker: 5-Ton, 6x6, M246; Truck, Wrecker: Medium, 5-Ton 6x6, M62,
M543, M543A2.
A-3 Painting
Painting Instructions for Field Use.
TM 9-213
A-4. Radio Suppression
TM 11-483
A-5. Maintenance
Operators Manual, DE Generator Set 45KW, Model 4070.
TM 5-6115-239-10
Operators Organizational, DS, GS and Depot Manual, 45KW DE Generator
TM 5-6115-247-15
Set, Model 54400.
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual, 60KW DE Generator
TM 66115-425-12
Set, Military Design SF 60MD/CIED.
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual, M54A2 Cargo Truck
TM 9-2320-211-12
6 x 6, 5-Ton.
Operator, Organizational DS and GS Maintenance Manual, Generator
TM 9-2320-205-14
Trailer M200A1.
Electric Motor and Generator Repair.
TM 5-764
Operation and Maintenance of Army Materiel in Extreme Cold Weather
TM 9-207
(-0 to -65F.)
Operation and Organizational DS and GS and Depot Maintenance: Storage
TM 9-6140-200-15
Batteries, Lead Acid Type.
Army Equipment Record Procedures.
TM 38-750
TM 11-5527
Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual AN/URM-l-5 Mul-
TM 11-6625-203-12