TM 9-6115-668-13
Circuit breaker assembly F102 (42) and F103 (41):
Removal procedure for circuit breaker assembly F102 (42) is the same
as for circuit breaker F103 (41), described below.
a. Open flap (2, figure 4-57) on unit hood assembly (1).
b. Open front panel (4) of control cabinet assembly (3) and secure with prop (5).
c. Open cable conduit (40) and cable conduit (43).
d. Record labeling and position of cables (18, 20, 32) to upper terminals (19, 21, 31) of circuit
breaker assembly parts (24, 39), loosen screws (22, 34) and remove cables.
e. Record labeling and position of cables (27, 29, 36) to lower terminals (26, 28, 37) of circuit
breaker assembly parts (24, 39), loosen screws (26, 38) and remove cables.
f. Use a screwdriver to push locking element (35) on circuit breaker assembly part (39) in direction
of arrow, tilt circuit breaker assembly parts (24, 39), and remove from mounting bar (53).
g. Separate circuit breaker (39) from auxiliary switch (24):
Lift upper locking clip (23) and lower locking clip (30) with screwdriver.
Pull circuit breaker (39) and auxiliary switch (24) apart.
1. Circuit breaker F101 (46):
a. Hook top (52) of circuit breaker F101 (46) into mounting bar (53) and push in at the bottom.
b. Noting correct labeling and position, install cables (50) to lower terminal (49) of circuit breaker
F101 (46) and tighten screw (48).
c. Noting correct labeling and position, install cables (44) to upper terminal (45) of circuit breaker
F101 (46) and tighten screw (47).
d. Close cable conduit (40) and cable conduit (43).
e. Stow prop (5) and close front panel (4).
f. Close flap (2).