TM 9-6115-660-13&PTable 1-3. Description of Major Components, PU-798, PU-798A, PU-799 and PU-799AItemNoItem Name Description1 GENERATOR SET. Supplies power to the load Refer to TM 9-6115-642-10 formajor components of generator set.2 TRAILER ASSEMBLY Provides support and mounting for generator set andaccessory box.1-11 DFFERENCES BETWEEN MODELS.Differences between the ANMJQ37, AN/MJQ38, PU798, PU798A, PU799 and PU799A are identified in table 14. Anumber (quantity) under the applicable power plant or power unit column heading indicates that the item is a component ofthat power plant or power unit.Table 1-4. Differences between ModelsComponent AN/MJQ-37 AN/MJQ-38 PU-798 PU-799 PU-98A PU-799AGenerator Set, 60 Hz 2 1 1Generator Set 400 Hz 2 1 1Switch Box 1 1Trailer Chassis, 1 Ton, M116A3 1 1Trailer Chassis, 1 1/2 Ton, M103A3 1 1Trailer Chassis, High Mobility 1 11-12 EQUIPMENT DATA.1-12.1 GeneratorSet. Refer to TM 9-6115-642-10.1-12.2 TrailerChassis.1-12.2.1 AN/MJQ-37andANMJQ-38,11/2TonTrailerChassis. Refer to TM 9-2330-213-14&P.1-12.2.2 PU-798andPU-7991TonTrailerChassis. Refer to TM 9-2330-202-14&P.1-122.3 PU-798AandPU-799AHighMobilityTrailer Chassis. Refer to TM 9-2330-392-14&P.1-12.3 TabulatedDataforPowerPlants/PowerUnits.Table 1-5. Tabulated Data for Power Plants/Power UnitsData AN/MJQ-37 AN/MJQ-38 PU-798 PU-799Overall length, inches (cm) 165.0 (419.1) 165.0 (419.1) 147.0 (373.4) 147.0 (373.4)Overall width, inches (cm) 83.0 (210.8) 83.0 (210.8) 83.5 (212.1) 83.5 (212.1)Overall height, inches (cm) 70.2 (178.3) 70.2 (178.3) 76.0 (193.0) 76.0 (193.0)Operational weight, pounds (kg) 4334 (1965.9) 4350 (1973.1) 2457 (1114.5) 2469 (1119.9)Shipping weight, pounds (kg) 4540 (2059.3) 4550 (2063.9) 2660 (1206.6) 2670 (1211.1)1-8 Change 2
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