TM 9-6115-660-13&PSection II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION1-9EQUIPMENT CHARACTERISTICS, CAPABILITIES, AND FEATURES.19.1Characteristics.The power plants and power units consist of one or two DOD Model MEP803A or ModelMEP813A Tactical Quiet Generator Sets mounted on modified M116A3, 1 ton, M103A3, 1 1/2 ton, or high mobility trailers.Refer to TM 9233020214&P for detailed equipment characteristics about the M116A3, TM 9233021314&P for informationabout the M103A3, and TM 9233039214&P for information about the high mobility trailer. The modifications to the trailersinclude generator mounting rails, special lifting rings, special fenders, accessory box, fire extinguisher brackets, and rearleveling support jack. Each generator set is a liquid-cooled, diesel engine driven unit operating at 60 or 400 Hz with a loadcapacity of 10 kW. Refer to TM 9611564210 fr detailed equipment characteristics about the generator set.1-9.1.1PowerPlantsAN/MJQ-37andAN/MJ-38.Each of these power plants has two generator sets and a switchbox mounted on a modified 1 12 ton trailer.1-9.1.2PowerUnitsPU-798andPU-799. Each of these power units has one generator set mounted on a modified 1ton trailer.1-9.1.3Power Units PU-798A and PU-799A. Each of these power units has one generator set mounted on a modifiedhigh mobility trailer.1-9.2CapabilitiesandFeatures.1-9.2.1PowerPlantAN/MJQ-37.TOWING VEHICLE..........................................................................2 1/2 ton 6x6 or 5 ton 6x6TIRE PRESSURE (Highway)...........................................................35 psi (241.3 kPa)ELECTRICAL OUTPUT - 60 Hz:120 volts, single phase, 2 wire.................................................104 amps120/240 volts, single phase, 3 wire..........................................52 amps120/208 volts, three phase, 4 wire...........................................34 amps1-9.2.2PowerPlantAN/MJQ-38.TOWING VEHICLE ........................ ...............................................2 12 ton 6x6 or 5 ton 6x6TIRE PRESSURE (Highway) ................. .......................................35 psi (241.3 kPa)ELECTRICAL OUTPUT .................................................................400 Hz:120 volts, sine phase, 2 wire..................................................104 amps120/240 volts, single phase, 3 wire ........................................52 amps120/208 volts, three phase, 4 wire .........................................34 amps1-9.2.3PowerUnitsPU-798andPU-798A.TOWING VEHICLEPU-798 ......................................................................................CUCV or HMMWVPU-798A ....................................................................................HMMWVChange 2 1-5
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