TM 9-6115-604-34
NAVFAC P-8-633-34
To avoid premature wear of seals, do not use oil or any other lubricant on LDLTFE (Lay Down
Up-Teflon) seals or the pulley hub. The seal lip and pulley hub must be clean and free of all
Apply a light coat of sealing compound MIL-S-45180 to the outer diameter of the accessory drive seals (8),
and install it in the front cover using a standard seal driver of the correct diameter.
Do not hammer the pulley onto the shaft. Severe damage to the fuel pump or water pump will
Start the accessory drive pulley (7) on the shaft by hand Draw the pulley completely onto the shaft using
pulley assembly tool ST-386.
Start the accessory drive pulley (9) on the shaft by hand. Using a 1/2 inch inside diameter, 1 1/4 inch
outside diameter flat washer, draw the pulley part of the way onto the shaft using a 1/2 inch capscrew, 20
thread, 3 1/2 inches long. Draw the pulley completely onto the shaft using a 1/2 inch capscrew, 20 thread,
2 1/2 inches long.
Rear Crankshaft Seal.
Remove the flywheel housing (9, Figure 9-62) in accordance with paragraph 9-35.
Remove the ten capscrews and washers (25), seal retainer (26), and gasket (27). Discard the gasket.
Remove the seal (28) from the seal retainer (26) using a soft drift and hammer. Discard the seal.
Clean the seal retainer (26) and rear gear housing (32) thoroughly to remove all traces of the old gasket
Wipe the crankshaft with a clean shop towel to remove all traces of oil.
Inspect the crankshaft for wear or grooving caused by the seal lip. It the crankshaft is damaged, install a
wear sleeve in accordance with paragraph 9-28.
If removed, install the packing (29) in the rear gear housing (32).
Apply a thin coat of sealing compound, MIL-S-45180, to the gasket surface of the rear gear housing (32)
and position the gasket (27) on the housing.
Position the rear seal and wear ring driver, ST-1093, on the crankshaft to center the seal retainer (26)
during installation.
Apply a thin coat of sealing compound, MIL-S-45180, to the gasket surface of the seal retainer (26), and
slide the seal retainer of ST-1 093 into position against the rear gear housing (32).
Install the ten capscrews and washers (25), and cross-tighten to 20 to 25 pound-feet (27 to 34 newton-
meters) Remove ST 1 093from the crankshaft.
Mount a dial indicator on the crankshaft using attachment ST-1 325 and check the seal retainer (26)
runout. This runout shall not exceed 0.005 inch (0.13 mm) TIR.
To avoid premature wear of the seal, do not use oil or any other lubricant on LDLTFE (Lay
Down Lip-Teflon) seals or the crankshaft. The seal lip and crankshaft must be clean and free
of all lubricants.
LDL-TFE oil seals include an assembly sleeve pre-assembled into the seal lip. Do not remove
the assembly sleeve before installation.
Apply a light coat of sealing compound, MIL-S-45180, to the outer diameter of the seal (Figure 9-61).