TM 9-6115-604-34
NAVFAC P-8-633-34
(5) Install the piston and connecting rod assemblies as follows:
During assembly and Installation procedures, be sure all parts are kept clean and free of dirt or
other foreign materials. Be especially careful when Installing the connecting rod bearing shell
halves In the connecting rod and cap. Even a small amount of foreign matter trapped between
the bearing shells and the rod or cap, will decrease bearing shell-to-journal clearance and
result In premature wear or burned bearing shells. To avoid damage to the crankshaft journals,
the services of two technicians will be required when Installing the piston and connecting rod
assemblies. Be sure all connecting rods and caps are matched, and are returned to the same
cylinder from which they were removed.
Rotate the crankshaft (32) to TDC for the assembly being replaced. If all assemblies are being replaced,
start at No. 1 cylinders.
Install the bearing shells (11, Figure 9-24) in the connecting rod (4) and cap (3). Before installing the
bearing shells, be sure all traces of oil or other foreign material is removed from the mating surfaces of the
rod, cap, and bearing shell.
Lubricate the bearing shell surfaces, piston rings, and cylinder liner surface with dean lubricating oil MIL-L-
2104, and install the nylon guide pins 3375098 in the connecting rod bolt holes.
Insert the piston and connecting rod assembly in ring compressor 3375342. Using a second technician to
guide the connecting rod over the crankshaft journal, tap the assembly into the cylinder using a wooden
block. Be sure the identifying marks on the connecting rod face the camshaft. Continue tapping until the
connecting rod is seated on the crankshaft journal.
Repeat steps (a) through (d), above, for the opposite bank.
With an assistant holding the connecting rods in contact with the journal, rotate the crankshaft to BDC.
Working through the inspection holes, remove guide pins 3375098. Check that the identifying marks on
the connecting rod cap (3) match with the connecting rod (4).
Check the bearing clearance using Plastigage in accordance with paragraph 9-21.
Remove all traces of Plastigage from the bearing shell (11), lubricate the bearing shell surface with dean
lubricating oil MIL-L-9000, and install the connecting rod cap (3) on the connecting rod (4).
Lubricate the connecting rod bolts (1) and washers (2) with dean lubricating oil MIL-L-2104, install the
washers and bolts, and crosstighten to 25 pound-feet (34 newton-meters). Do not tighten the connecting
rod bolts to their final torque until all connecting rods and caps have been installed.
Turn the crankshaft (32) to the next TDC position, and install the piston and connecting rod assemblies for
these cylinders in accordance with steps (a) through 0), above. Continue this procedure until all
connecting rods have been installed.
Cross-tighten the connecting rod bolts (1) on each connecting rod in accordance with Table 9-3.
Using a feeler gage, check the connecting rod side clearance. Connecting rod side clearance shall be
0.012 to 0.020 inch (0.30 to 0.51 mm), and rods must be free to move sideways on the crankshaft (32). If
the connecting rods do not move freely on the crankshaft, or the clearance is not to specifications, check
for improper bearing shell installation or crankshaft thrust surface wear. Rebuild a worn crankshaft in
accordance with paragraph 9-28.
Replace the inspection covers in accordance with paragraph 9-37.
Replace the cylinder heads in accordance with paragraph 9-10.