ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-123-35OIL LEVEL GAUGE AND FILLER TUBE.a. Inspection.(1) Inspect oil level gauge for legibility of markings, loose fittings, bends and other damage.(2) Check for oil leaks at the base of the filler tube and the oil level gauge tube.(3) Inspect filler tube for cracks, insecure mounting, dents and other damage.(4) Inspect oil seal in filler cap for excessive wear, deterioration, and damage.b. Replacement.(1) Replace oil level gauge by removing and installing a new one.(2) To replace oil filler cap, remove the cap and disconnect the captive chain. Connect the captive chainto a new cap and install the cap onto the filler tube.3-36 STARTER ASSEMBLY.Inspect starter assembly for insecure mounting, loose electrical connections,cracks, and damage to the starter solenoid.3-37 OIL PRESSURE TRANSMlTTER. Inspect the oil pressure transmitter for insecure mounting, leaks, looseelectrical connections, cracks, and other damage.3-38 LUBE OIL FILTER. Inspect the lube oil filter for cracks, dents, and leaks.3-39 SECONDARY FUEL FILTER.a. Inspection. Inspect the secondary fuel filter for leaks, cracks, breaks, and other damage.b. Service. Open the drain valve on bottom of day tank assembly (Figure 1-5) and allow the fuel to draininto a suitable container.3-40 FUEL INJECTIONPUMP.Inspect fuel injection pump for insecure mounting, cracks, leaks, loose connec-tions and other damage.3-41 FANASSEMBLY.Inspect fan assembly for bent blades, insecure mounting, cracked mounting bracket, andother damage.3-42 WATER PUMP ASSEMBLY.Inspect water pump assembly for leaks, cracks, insecure mounting, loosecoolant lines and hoses and other damage.3-43 COOLANT TEMPERATURE TRANSMlTTER.Inspect coolant temperature transmitter for insecure mount-ing, cracks, loose connections and leaks.3-44 OIL PAN ASSEMBLY.a. Inspect oil pan for dents, loose hardware, and oil leaks.b. Check oil heater coolant lines for leaks, loose fittings, pinching, cracks and other damage.c. Inspect drain hose for loose connections, deterioration, tears, and other damage.3-45 MAINFUELTANKa.Inspection.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Inspect for insecure mounting, dents, leaks, cracks and other damage.Inspect filler cap for damage and corrosion.Check filler cap gasket for damage or deterioration.Inspect filler hose for leaks, deterioration, loose connections and other damage.Check drain valve and captive cap for leaks, damage, and corrosion.Check fuel lines for loose connections.Inspect fuel level sensor for loose electrical connections, insecure mounting, corrosion and other damage.3-9
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