ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-123-8a.b.3-9a.b.3-10a.b.3-11a.b.3-12a.b.PLATE AND SLEEVE ASSEMBLY (Figure 1-5).Inspect sleeve for tears, deterioration, and missing draw string.Check plate for dents, cracks, and illegible markings.PARALLELING RECEPTACLES (Figure 1-5).Inspect paralleling receptacles for insecure mounting, corrosion, and damage.Check electrical leads for loose connection, frayed insulation, and evidence of shorting.AC VOLTMETER (7, Figure 2-1).Inspection. Inspect ac voltmeter for cracked or broken glass, insecure mounting, bent indicator, corrosion orother damage.Adjustment. With the generator set shut off, rotate the voltmeter “zero” adjusting screw until the indicatorpoints to zero.KILOWATT(PERCENTPOWER)METER(4,Figure2-1).Inspection. Inspect the kilowatt meter for cracked, or broken glass, insecure mounting, bent indicator, corrosionand other damage.Adjustment. With the generator set shut off, rotate the kilowatt meter adjusting screw until the indicatoris in the zero position.AC (PERCENT RATED CURRENT) AMMETER (6, Figure 2-1).Inspection. Inspect ac ammeter for cracked or broken glass, insecure mounting, corrosion, loose connections,bent indicator and other damage.Adjustment. With the generator set shut off, rotate the ammeter adjusting screw until the indicator is inthe “zero” position.FREQUENCY METER (3, Figure 2-1). Inspect the frequency meter for cracked or broken glass, insecure3-13mounting, corrosion, loose connections, bent indicator and other damage.3-14 CONTROL PANEL SWITCHES.Inspect BATTLE SHORT switch (22, Figure 2-1), operations switch (26),VOLTAGE SENSING switch (27), PANEL LIGHTS switch (28), circuit breaker switch (30), START-RUN-STOPswitch (32), and ENGINE PRIMER switch (33) for cracks, corroded terminals, loose connections and insecuremounting.3-15 CONTROL PANEL GAUGES.Inspect FUEL LEVEL gauge (36, Figure 2-1), OIL PRESSURE gauge (37)and COOLANT TEMPERATURE gauge (38) for cracked or broken glass, corrosion, insecure mounting, loose con-nections, bent indicator and other damage.3-16 RUNNING TIME METER (34, Figure 2-1).Inspect running time meter for broken glass, insecure mounting,loose connections, corrosion and other damage.3-17 BATTERY CHARGING AMMETER (35, Figure 2-1).Inspect BATTERY CHARGING AMMETER for bro-ken glass, insecure mounting, loose connections, corrosion and damage.3-18 GENERATOR SET HOUSING.a.Inspect generator set doors, panels and covers for dents, corrosion, defective paint, and other damage.b. Check that all hinges and latches operate properly.c.Inspect for loose, damaged, or missing hardware.3-4
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