ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-12Table 5-2. Unit Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Fuel BurningWinterization KitItemNo.1234567IntervalSemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualMonthlySemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualSemi-AnnualLocationItem toCheck/ServiceFlameSwitchLimit SwitchRegulatorValveAssemblyIgniterWiringThermostatSwitchMountingHardwareProcedureAdjust flame switch quarterly. (More often under condi-tions of heave usage (para 5-8)Inspect and test limit switch quarterly. (More often un-der conditions of heavy usage (para 5-8)Service screen, metering orifice and sintered filteredmonthly. (More often under conditions of heavyusage). Test output monthly. Service and adjust asnecessary.Inspect and test igniter quarterly. (More often undernormal conditions.) Replace if necessary (para 5-8).Inspect wiring for burned or frayed insulation and looseterminals or connectors (para 5-7).Test switch for proper operation. Replace if necessary(para 5-8).Check for loose or missing hardware (para 5-1).Not MissionCapable If:5-14
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