ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-12Section IV. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS)NOTEThe PMCS chart in this section contains all necessary unit preventive maintenancechecks and services for this equipment.4-5 INTRODUCTION.Purpose. Your PMCS table lists the checks (inspections) and services (care) of your equipment to keep it in good operat-ing condition. Inspection will allow defects to be discovered and corrected before they result in serious damage or failure.Table 4-1 lists the PMCS in sequence of performance. Unit personnel must observe all cautions and warnings.4-6EXPLANATIONOFCOLUMNS.a.Item Number column. This column provides identification numbers for the performance of PMCS func-tions in proper sequence. Use the numbers as a reference on reports of failures and deficiencies. (ForArmy users, report on DA Form 2404 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet).b. Interval column. This column identifies when particular functions (checks/service) must be performed.c.Item to check/service column. This column identifies specific items for inspecting (servicing/checking).d.Procedures. This column lists the checks or services you have to perform and explains how to performthem.e.Not Mission Capable If: column. This column tells you when and why your equipment cannot be used.Equipment operation is allowable with minor leakages (Class I or II). Ofcourse, you must consider the fluid capacity in the item/system beingchecked/inspected. When in doubt, notify your supervisor.When operating with Class I or Class II leaks, continue to check fluid levels asrequired by PMCS.Equipment damage could result if caution is not observed.NOTEThe terms ready/available and mission capable refer to the same status: equip-ment is on hand and is able to perform its combat mission.NOTELeakage definitions for unit PMCS shall be classified as follows:Class I: Seepage of fluid (as indicated by wetness or discoloration) not greatenough to form drops.Class II: Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops but not enough to causedrops to drip from the item being checked/inspected.Class Ill: Leakage of fluid great enough to form drops that fall from the item beingchecked/inspected.4-7 REPORTINGDEFICIENCIES. If your equipment does not perform as required, and if you discover problemsduring PMCS that you are unable to correct, it must be reported. Refer to DA Pam 736-750 and report the deficiency usingthe proper forms.4-5
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