TM5-6115-593-34NAVFAC P-8-631-34TO-35C2-3-463-2operating position. Tighten capscrews tooperating tension.(b) Gauge main bearing bores horizontally,vertically, and diagonally with dial boregauge or properly adjusted micrometers.Refer to tabulated data in Chapter 1 fordimensions.NOTEA boring tool may also be used tocheck main bearing bore alignment. Ifit is definitely determined that a mainbearing cap has been distorted, markblock for reaming.(4) InstallationofBrassSleeveusingBoringBar.Proceedasfollows:NOTEThe OD of brass sleeve 163401 isapproximately 0.012 inch (0.30 mm)larger than recommended bore. Thispress fit is sufficient interference tohold sleeve in place.(a) Bore block as shown in figure 13-53 andto dimensions as follows:1. Bottom of block bore (11) is 6.361 to6.363 inch (161.57 to 161.62 mm)diameter, to block deck (1) is 8.565to 8.585 inch (127.55 to 228.06mm).Figure 13-53. Sleeve and Block BoringDimensions 13-1022. The 20-degree chamfer (5) in blockis 0.010 to 0.020 inch (0.25 to 0.51mm).(b) Clean all chips from block.(c) Mix sealer of three parts glycerine to onepart litharge to a smooth paste.(d) Wipe bore with a clean cloth and applysealer.(e) Sleeve is larger than top bore. Place ODof sleeve against top of bench and pressout-of-round just enough to push throughbore.(f) Turn sleeve in cylinder bore so ODchamfer is down.(g) Provide a driver which closely pilotssleeve and with clearance flats onoutside diameter.(h) Index driver so flats will allow it to passthrough top bore and place driver onsleeve.(i) Turn so driver is on bottom and presssleeve over driver by using a woodenhammer handle or equivalent. This isslightly difficult due to limited space.(j) Coat OD of sleeve with sealer.(k) Position driver and sleeve in chamferededge of bore.(l) Place driver extension in driver; makesure sleeve is centered in bore and taplightly on extension to seat driver insleeve and start sleeve into bore.(m) Drive sleeve into bore of block until it13-102
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