NAVFAC P-8-631-34
compressed position. Gauges should have at
least 0. 25 inch (6. 35 mm) travel range.
e. Engine must be barred accurately to each check
point as specified for the gauge above piston.
(1) Bar engine in direction of rotation to No.
1 top center firing position (highest point
of piston travel). Set indicator above
piston at "0".
(2) Advance engine to 90 degrees after top
center. Top of tool rod above piston will
be 90-degree mark on tool scale. Set
indicator above push tube to "0".
(3) Bar engine opposite rotation to 45
degrees before top center. This is to take
up gear lash. Top of tool rod will be at
45-degree mark.
(4) Bar engine forward until piston is 0. 2032
inch lower than at top center position
which results in a minus reading on
indicator (-0.2032 inch) (-5.161 mm).
This is 19 degrees before top center.
Indicator above push tube should read
within fast and slow limits as follows: -
0.050 inch (-1.27 mm) and -0.555 inch (-
1.40 mm).