TM5-6115-593-34NAVFAC P-8-631-34TO-35C2-3-463-2replacement of components after inspection and/or testingindicates the need for replacement. The inspection, test,replacement, and repair of generator components isdescribed in paragraphs listed in table 11-1.Table 11-1. Repair of Generator ComponentsCOMPONENTPARAGRAPH REFERENCETESTREMOVALREPLACEMENTREPAIRPMG stator and frame11-6c11-6d11-6dPMG rotor11-7b11-7c11-7c11-7dRotating rectifiers11-8b11-8c11-8c11-8dBearing11-9a11-9aDrive plate11-10b11-10bFan11-11a11-11aRotor11-12b11-12c11-12c11-12dExciter stator11-13b11-13c11-13c11-13dExciter armature11-14b11-14c11-14c11-14dFrame and stator11-15b11-15c11-15c11-15ce.Rebuild.Generator rebuilding consists ofrestoring generator to "like new" condition. Thisrequires the replacement of parts and therewinding of coils on fields and armatures, newdiodes and surge protector, bearing, covers, etc.All metal parts are cleaned with FederalSpecification P-D-680 and thoroughly dried.Cracks in frame and other components arewelded and painted parts are repainted inaccordance with specification MIL-T-704, type A,semigloss, olive drab color no. X24087.NOTEMachined surfaces, screw threads, leads,and lead clamps are to be free from paint.Rebuild generator components in accordance withprocedures described in paragraphs listed in table11-1.11-20
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