NAVFAC P-8-623-12
T M 5 - 6 1 1 5 - 5 8 5 - 1 2
T M - 0 5 6 8 4 C / 0 5 6 8 5 B - 12
Figure 421 A. Inspecting Starter Brushes, Style II Starter
d. Bench Test.
(1) Starter Assembly. Refer to paragraph
(2) Field Coil.
(a) Connect continuity tester as shown In
figure 418, Test c. An open circuit indicates a defec-
tive field coil.
(b) Connect tester for continuity as shown
in figure 419, Test d. Continuity indicates that the field
coil is shorted to the field frame.
(3) Field Coil. Style II Starter.
(a) Connect tester for continuity between
the field coil brushes as shown in figure 420, Test C.
An open circuit indicates a defective field coil.
(b) Connect tester for continuity between
a field brush and stator frame as shown in figure 420,
Test D. Continuity indicates that the field coil is shorted
to the frame.
e. Repair. Style I Starter.
(1) Remove Solenoid. If solenoid is defective,
and Iockwasher holding lead (12) on small solenoid
switch terminal. Remove nut and Iockwasher from
negative terminal (9) freeing lead (12). Remove nut
and lockwasher from solenoid field terminal (11). Re-
move cotter pin (4) and clevis pin (5) from plunger (3)
and yoke (6). Remove screws (14) and lift solenoid
switch (1) from frame (8). Retain hardware from termi-
nals for solenoid installation, see following paragraph.
(2) Install Solenoid. Refer to figure 4-22.
Place solenoid (1) on frame (8) and move to rear until
field terminal (11 ) enters field coil lead strap. Install nut
and Iockwasher, do not tighten. Install screws (14), do
not tighten. Align the plunger (3) on yoke (6) and insert
clevis pin (5) and secure with cotter pin (4). Install lead
(12) on small solenoid terminal and on negative termi-
nal (9) Secure with nuts and Iockwashers. Tighten nut
and Iockwasher on field terminal (11), and screws (14).
f. Repair. Style II Starter.
(1) Remove Solenoid. If solenoid is defec-
tive, remove as follows:
Refer to figure 422A.
Remove nut and Iockwasher on terminal (M) freeing
lead (L). Remove screws (1), solenoid switch (3) and
remove as follows: Refer to figure 4-22. Remove nut
spacers (2). Retain hardware from terminal (M).
Change 11