T M 5 - 6 1 1 5 - 5 8 5 - 1 2
N A V F A C P - 8 - 6 2 3 - 12
T O - 3 5 C 2 - 3 - 4 5 5 -1
T M - 0 5 6 8 4 C / 0 5 6 8 5 B - 12
(3) Connect voltmeter as shown in figure
419, Test b. If battery voltage (24 volts) is not indi-
cated, the starter (B1) may be defective. Proceed to
step (4).
(4) Momentarily connect a jumper as shown
in figure 419, Test b. Voltmeter reading should drop
to zero and starter should crank engine. If voltmeter
does not drop to zero, solenoid is defective. If voltme-
ter reading does drop to zero but starter fails to crank
engine, starter is defective.
b. Removal (see figure 418). On ASK equipped
generators remove batteries access door. Tag and
disconnect leads (1) thru (6). On Style I Starters, re-
move nut (7), lockwasher(8), screw (9). Loosen but do
not remove screw (10), Iockwasher (11) and swing
support bracket (12) down and away from starter, On
Style II Starter, support bracket is not fastened to the
starter, loosen screw (10), Iockwasher (11) and swing
support bracket down and away.
Support bracket and associated hard-
ware must remain with engine at all
times! It provides support for Style I
Starters that may be used to replace
Style II Starters during Operator and
Organizational maintenance.
T he
support bracket and associated hard-
w a r e i s s u p p l i e d o n a l l e n g i n es
manufactured with either the Style I or
Style II Starters.
Support starter (15) and remove screws (13), lock
washers (14) attaching starter to flywheel housing
(17). Slide starter out of housing.
c. Cleaning and Inspection of Starter Solenoid,
Drive Assembly and Starter Brushes.
(1) Cleaning Starter. Refer to paragraph
(2) Inspecting Solenoid Switch,
(a) Style I Starter. Refer to figure 4-22.
Inspect solenoid switch (1) for cracks, dents, or other
physical damage. Check to see that the electrical ter-
minals are clean and free of corrosion, Check that the
rubber boot (2) on plunger (3), cotter pin (4), clevis pin
(5), and yoke (6) are in good condition. Check that
plunger (3) and yoke (6) operate freely. Check that so-
lenoid switch (1) is securely fastened to the starter
motor (8), with screws (14).
(b) Style II Starter. Refer to figure 4-22A.
Inspect solenoid switch (3) for cracks, dents, or other
physical damage. Check to see that the electrical ter-
minals are clean and free of corrosion. Check that
solenoid switch (3) is securely fastened to the starter
motor (4), with screws (1).
(3) Inspecting Drive Assembly. Refer to fig-
ure 422 for Style I Starter and figure 422A for Style II
Starter. Inspect drive gear for cracks or chipped teeth.
Check that gear and spring of drive moves freely, and
returns to rear position when released.
(4) Inspecting Brushes.
(a) Style I Starter. Refer to figure 4-21.
Remove two through bolts (1) and lift end plate (2)
away from frame. Lift brush tension springs (3) and lift
each brush (4) from holder for inspection. Check brush
face for deep surface pits, cracks, or excessive chip-
ping. Measure brush length. See figure 421. When
brush is worn to length less than 1/4 inch, notify higher
level maintenance for replacement of brushes (4).
Clean area around brushes and commutator and dry
with low pressure compressed air. Lift brush springs
(3) and insert brushes (4) in brush holder. Reposition
end plate (2) on frame and insert and tighten through
bolts (1) securely.
(b) Style II Starter. Refer to figure 4-21A.
Remove two nuts (1) and flat washers (2), lift off termi-
nal assembly (3). Remove the two through studs (4),
screws (5) and carefully lift off cover (6), leaving the
brush holder (7) in place on the armature commutator.
Lift brush tension springs (8) and lift each brush (9)
from holder for inspection. Check brush face for deep
surface pits, cracks, or excessive chipping. Next
measure brush length. See figure 421A. When brush
is worn to length less than 11.0 mm (0.433 inch), re-
placement is required. When Negative brushes are
worn, replacement is by installing a new brush holder
(7) which includes these brushes. When the Positive
brushes are worn, replacement in by installing a new
stator (10). Individual brushes are NOT available for
replacement. Clean area around the brushes and
commutator with dry and low pressure compressed air.
Lift brush springs (8) and inserft brushes (9) in brush
holder(7). Reposition cover (6), fasten screws (5), in-
sert through studs (4) and tighten securely. Place
terminal assembly (3) on studs and fasten with flat
washers (2) and nuts (1). Tighten securely.
4 - 28
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