T M 5 - 6 1 1 5 - 5 8 5 - 12
N A V F A C P - 8 - 6 2 3 - 12
T O - 3 5 C 2 - 3 - 4 5 5 - 1
T M - 0 5 6 8 4 C / 0 5 6 8 5 B - 1 2
negative battery cable () to the ground terminal G of
the starter. See figure 416. Attach positive cable
(+) to positive terminal on one battery and negative ca-
ble () to negative terminal on the other battery.
Tighten all terminal connectors securely.
Always detach negative () cable first
and reattach it last.
b. Battery Top (Holddown) Frame (see figure
3 - 2 ).
(1) Remove. Tag and disconnect battery ca-
bles (1 and 3) and jumper cable (4) from batteries (6).
Remove six nuts (7) and flatwashers (8) holding top
frame (5) in place, and remove top frame. If hook bolts
(9) do not need replacing, they need not be removed.
(2) Replace. Hook six bolts (9) onto bottom
frame (6). Place top frame (5) over batteries (6) mak-
ing certain hook bolts slide through the top frame.
Secure top frame in place with six flatwashers (8) and
nuts (7). Reattach battery cables (1 and 3) and jumper
cable (4).
(3) Repair. Straighten battery top frames
making certain they fit securely over batteries and hold
batteries in place.
c. Storage Batteries.
Battery electrolyte can cause severe
burns to the skin. Always flush ex-
posed parts of the skin with water as
quickly as possible.
The 6TN and 6TL batteries can be mixed or matched.
However, maintenancefree batteries cannot be
mixed or matched with military batteries. The 6TN and
or the 6TL batteries will perform properly in hot weather
as long as electrolyte levels are carefully monitored. If
the electrolyte expands and causes the level to rise,
some fluid must be removed. If the level becomes too
low due to evaporation, distilled water maybe used to
obtain the proper level. A good grade of drinking water
(excluding mineral waters) may be used if distilled
water is not available.
and should be used in these batteries to a lower spe-
cific gravity.
(1) Test. Charge battery for a sufficient time
for battery to be fully charged (1 to 2 hours). Test each
cell of battery separately using a hydrometer. Remove
cap from one cell and draw fluid from that cell into hy-
drometer. Hydrometer must register a specific gravity
of 1.260 to 1.280. If specific gravity is below 1.260,
charge battery. See figure 417. Replace fluid into cell
and replace cap. Check each battery cell using this
procedure. If one or more cells in a battery will not take
a charge, replace battery.
(2) Remove. Remove battery cables and top
frames, a and b above. Remove batteries from battery
(3) Replace. Place batteries in battery frame
with negative () terminals toward control panel end of
generator and positive (+) terminals toward blower
housing end of generator. Install battery top frame and
battery cables as outlined above.
Figure 417. Testing Batteries
a. Test. On equipment (see figure 419). On
ASK equipped generators, remove batteries access
(1) Make sure batteries are fully charged and
that all battery and starter cables are serviceable and
properly installed.
(2) Connect voltmeter as shown in figure
419, Test a. If voltage is indicated, solenoid maybe
defective. Proceed to step (4).
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