TM 5-6115-584-34
NAVFAC P-8-622-34
c. Installing Engine.
(1) This installation procedure is
if the engine has been removed and the
been left mounted on the skid-base.
to be followed
generator has
(2) Lift engine into place on skid-base using
engine lifting bracket (8, figure 2-3). Leave about a
6 inch space between the generator and the engine.
(3) Loosen generator mounting screws (9, figure
(4) Mount generator to engine as follows:
(a) Install two 1/4-20 x 2 in. pilot studs into
the engine flywheel (9, figure 2-2) in two holes that
are 180° apart.
(b) Align fan (4), adapter plate and flywheel (9)
using pilot studs.
(c) Install four screws (l), locking plate (2),
pressure plate (3) attaching fan and adapter to fly-
wheel (9).
(d) Remove pilot studs and install remaining
screws (l), locking plates (2) and pressure plate (3).
(e) Bend locking plates (2) to lock all screws
(f) Install twelve nuts (5) and lockwashers (6)
to attach generator housing (8) to engine (7).
(5) Tighten generator mounting screws (9, figure
(6) Attach engine supports (16, figure 2-4) to
skid-base (19) with screws (12), flatwashers (13),
lockwashers (14) and nuts (15).
(7) Perform step (4) of paragraph 2-9, b above.
(8) On ASK equipped generators, refer to Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual and replace cover assembly.
Engine lifting bracket is for lifting engine
alone. If engine and generator assembly are
lifted as one unit, use set lifting eye (18,
figure 2-4).
a. Remove. On ASK equipped generators, refer to Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual and remove cover assembly.
Generator assembly is removed by first removing engine and
generator assembly as one unit then removing generator assembly
from engine.
(1) Disconnect three wiring assemblies from
connectors (1, figure 2-4) at ac output cubicle (2).
Disconnect generator ground at ground stud (3).
(2) Disconnect four screws (5), lockwashers (7),
and flatwashers (8) attaching generator support (4) to
generator and lift engine and generator assembly (17)
free of skid-base (19)
(3) Properly support engine and generator assem-
bly and disconnect generator from engine assembly
as given in paragraph 2-9.
b. Install. Install engine and generator assembly as described in
paragraph 2-9, b. Connect three wiring assemblies to connectors (1,
figure 2-4) at ac output cubicle (2). Connect generator ground at
ground stud (3). On ASK equipped generators, refer to Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual and replace cover assembly.
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