(2) Timing Method 1. This is a means for calcu-
lating the correct button thickness before the pump is
installed. It requires the port closing dimensions and
button thickness from the pump being replaced. Sub-
stitute the dimensions for those in the formula below
and calculate the new button thickness. Determine the
button code letter from table 7-1.
Example Formula:
Port closing dimension of old pump
(removed from engine) . . . . . . . . . . 1.093
TM 5-6115-584-34
NAVFAC P-8-622-34
Always use button thickness closest to this
Install the correct button in pump (figure 7-33) and
install pump following the instructions under injec-
tion pump installation above.
(3) Timing Method 2. Flowing the Pump.
(a) Install a Number 12 or M timing button in
injection pump and install pump on engine, following
instructions under injection pump installation above.
Button thickness of old pump . . . . . . . +0.119
Port closing dimension of new pump . . . . -1.089
When removing tappets which contain timing
Button thickness of new pump . . . . . . . 0.123
buttons, do not allow the portion of the injec-
tion pump which has the face gear to be lifted
Use button M
from its position.
Figure 7-43. Delivery Valve