TM 5-6115-584-12NAVFAC P-8-622-12TO 35C2-3-456-1TM-05682C-12SECTION III.ACOUSTIC SUPPRESSION KIT REPAIR5-15.GENERAL.WARNINGThe local safety office and Preventative MedicineSuppport Activity must be consulted prior to initialCARC painting.This section provides repair procedures for the acoustic suppres-sion kit (ASK) .Repair of the ASK at all levels of Maintenanceis limited to replacement of panel assemblies and replacement ofhinges, latches, catches, captive nuts, rubber flaps and thefront panel silencer assembly.After repair is accomplished,paint needed areas in accordance with MIL-T-704 using paintcolors green 383, brown 383, and black as required byFED-STD-595 .5-16.REPLACEMENTOFASKCOMPONENTS.a.Refer to Table 3-2 for inspection of ASK components fordamage and to determine if replacement is necessary.b.Remove the ASK component to be replaced by followingthe applicable removal procedures outlined in Section II.c.Prior to replacement of the rear panel, left support,right support, side closure and rear closure assemblies; adhesivebacked teflon tape must be applied to the new assemblies asfollows:(1) Rear Panel Assembly (refer to figure 5-6, item 4).(a)Wipe surface clean.(b) Cut a 11 3/4 in. length of adhesive backedteflon tape from supplied bulk material.(c) Apply adhesive backed teflon tape to theright edge of rear panel assembly (edge with captive nuts) .Usehand pressure to remove air bubbles.(d)Clear tape from captive nut openings.(2)item 7) .Left(a)(b)Support Assembly (refer to figure 5-7,Wipe surface clean.Cut a 50 in. length of adhesive backed teflontape from supplied bulk material.5-26Change 7
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