(a) Disconnect and remove the oil inlet
(b) Disconnect and remove the oil return
(~) Loosen hose (15) clamp (13).
(d) Remove the four nuts (26) which attach
turbocharger-(28) to the exhaust manifold.
(e) Remove four screws (19) and washers
(20) which atiach diffuser ring (21) to the exhaust
manifold and remove diffuser (24) turbocharger (28).
Refer to p a r a g r a p h 3 - 2 0 4 to remove diffuser (24) from
turbocharger (28).
While diffuser (24) turbocharger (28)
is off the engine, keep all intake
and exhaust manifold openings cov-
ered. This will prevent foreign ob-
jects from accidentally getting into
the manifolds and damaging the
turbocharger or engine when the
engine is again put into operation.
(a) Before installing the turbocharger:
( 2 8 , f i g . 3 - 4 2 ) :
1. Refer to p a r a g r a p h 3 - 3 2 and ser-
vice the air cleaiier.
2. Refer to p a r a g r a p h 3 - 1 9 5 and re-
place the lubricating oil filter elements.
3. Refer to
p a r a g r a p h
3 - 4 6 and change
engine lube oil.
4. Ensure that the oil inlet line and
oil return line a~e clean before they are connected.
Remove the lines and inspect for cleanliness and re-
5. Check exhaust manifold for cracks,
foreign matter, iind proper mounting. Check condition
of gaskets, tightness of mounting nuts, and flatness
of the turbocharger mounting surfaces.
6. Check intake manifold and air inlet
elbow and hoses for cracks, foreign matter, and gen-
eral condition. Check condition of manifold mounting
nuts and tightness of 28-33 foot-pounds torque.
7. Replace any air or oil line hose
connections ( 1 5 a n d 8 , f i g . 3 - 4 2 ) found to be deterior-
8. Ensure all air and oil line hose
clamps (13 and 7) are tight.
9. Ensure the gaskets
29) do not extend-into the port openings
3 - 1 0 2 C h a n g e 1
(9,16,25, and
of the exhaust
manifold, turbocharger mounting adaptor, and
mounting pads.
10. Just prior to mounting the unit, prime
the lubr~ation system. Pour clean oil into the oil in-
let of the center housing. Turn the rotating assembly
by hand to coat the bearings and thrust collar with oil.
(b) Refer to p a r a g r a p h 3 - 2 0 4 to install
diffuser (24) o~ turbocharger (28).
(c) Install a new gasket (29) and mount
the turbocharger (28) and diffuser ring (21 ) on the ex-
haust manifold. Lubricate the four nuts (26) with anti-
seize compound Military Specification MI L-A-1 3881 R,
and secure the turbocharger (28) to the exhaust mani-
fold tightening nuts (26) to 18-21 foot-pounds torque,
and tightening screws (19).
(d) Connect the oil inlet line (2) to the
lubricating oilsupply.
Do not connect the oil inlet or
return lines (2 and 10) to the
turbocharger (28) until it is
certain that there is a free flow
of oil to the turbocharger and
through it.
Do not crank start motor more
than 15 seconds at a time. Al-
low at least 3 minutes to elap-
se between crankings.
(e) Place dead crank switch in open
position ( 4 9 , f i g . 3 - 2 7 ) . Hold ENGINE START-RUN-
STOP switch to START position. Continue cranking
engine until there is a free flow of oil from the upper
end of the oil inlet line, then connect the line to the
oil inlet of the turbocharger center housing. Crank
the engine until oil runs from the oil outlet of the cen-
ter housing. Return switch to STOP position. Place
dead crank switch in on position.
(f) Connect the oil return line (1 O) to the
turbocharger (28) and to the side of the cylinder
(g) Connect the air cleaner hose assem-
bly using inspection instructions (a above) in reverse
(~) Install the exhaust pipe, muffler
and nozzle.
(i) Upon completion of the installation,
run engine, and check turbocharger operation.
3 - 2 0 4 .
E x h a u s t
D i f f u s e r .
a. Inspection. Inspect diffuser (24) for cracks,
loos= mounting, and other damage.