TM 5-6115-545-12
TO 35C2-3-444-1
NAVFAC P-8-826-12
TM 00038G-12
~. Thermostat Testing. To test thermostat (8),
proceed as follows:
(1) Suspend thermostat (8) in a container of
Clean water. Thermostat must be completely inlnler -
sed but not touching bottom of contmner.
(2) Heat water gradually and stir so heat is
evenly distributed.
(3) Check temperature of water with
reliable thermometer. DO not overheat, Observe
thermostat (8) as temperature increases. If the
thermostat is functioning pro~erly it should begin
to open between 175°F to 182 F and be fully open
at 205°F.
(4) The thermostat (8) M not adjustable.
If it does not operate within the above lit-nits, it should
be replaced.
$. Temperature Transmitter Testing. To test
the transmitter (10), proceed as follows:
of clean (la)ektspend transmitter (1 O) in a container
. Transmitter should be inserted so
that sensing element is completely imn)ersed but
connector end M out of water.
(2) Connect ohmmeter between single con-
ductor and case. Heat water gradually and stir so
heat is evenly distributed,
(3) Check temperature of water with relia-
ble thermometer. Do not overheat. Observe ohm-
meter as temperature increases. If the transmitter
(10) is functioning pro erly, the resistanc~ should
read between 2100 and 2600 ohms at 1200 F and be-
tween 680 and 745 ohms at 2000 F.
3-210. General.
a. The crankshaft pulley is moumed on the front
eflof the crankshaft and M used to transfer drive
power from the crankshaft to belt dr]ven accessor-
ies such as the water pump, fan and alternator.
p. Vibration dampenihg is accomplished by bond-
ing a neoprene compound between the crankshaft
pulley and the crankshaft hub.
(4) The transmitter (10) is not repamable.
If it does not indicate a resistance within the above
range, it should be replaced.
~. T~. To test the
switch (12). proceed as follows:
(1) Suspend switch (12) in a container of
anti freeze compound. Switch should be inserted so
that sensing element is completely immersed but con-
nector end is out of compound.
(2) Heat compound gradual] y and stir so
heat is evenly distributed.
(3) Check temperature of compound with
reliable thermometer. Do not overheat.
(4) Use ohmmeter and check continuity
between pins A and D and also between pins B and
C. Under 217°F S3°F. contacts A and D should
indicate a closed circuit and contacts B and C
an open circuit.
(5) The switch (12) is not repairable.
If it does not operate within the above limits it
should be replaced.
g. Installation.
See figure 3-44 and install
thermostat (8), transmitter (]0), and suitch
(12). Fill radiator with coolant in accordance
with table 2-1.
3-211. Inspection.
a. Inspect pulley belt grooves for step wear
aloiii sides and bottom of groove. indicating ex.
cessive wear,
b. Inspect pulley belt grooves around total
circumference of pulley for cracks or distortion.
~. Inspect hub area for cracks.
3-212. General.
bracket, the bracket itself is moveable and can be
positioned to increase or decrease tension of the
a. The idler pulley provides capability to adjust
engine drive belts.
ten%ion of the engine drive belts for the fan and the
water pump.
~. The idler pulley is mounted on it bracket, with
an adjustment slot, located on the front of the engine.
While the idler pulley is mounted m place on the
Change 18
Inspection, Removal and Installation.
figure 3-45 and proceed as follows: