. ..
(a) Thoroughly clean nozzle-holder assem-
blies ( 3 2 , f i g . 3 - 4 1 ) bores in cylinder head. When
cleaning bores, ensure old nozzle holder gaskets are
removed because new gaskets must be used when in-
stalling the nozzle holders. Ensure no small parti-
cles of carbon are in nozzle holder bores that could
prevent nozzle holder gaskets from seating properly,
thereby permitting blow-by from the cylinders.
(b) Install new nozzle gasket (34), con-
cave face dew-n, in position on nozzle-holder assem-
blies (32). Carefully position nozzle-holder assem-
blies in nozzle bore of cylinder head.
(~) Install two nozzle holder Iockwashers
(31) and two capscrews (30) for each nozzle holder
assembly but do not tighten at this time. Place fuel
injection lines ( 23 through 28) in position in nozzle
holders (32) and fuel injection pump (detail A). Start
injection line nuts (9) and screws (11 ) but do not
tighten at this time. Install fuel return line (8) by
connecting connectors (6) to tee (4) and fuel injection
pump (detail A).
Always install new washers (12)
when-connecting injector lines
to injector pump.
(d) Install manifold drip line (3) by con-
necting coupling nut (1) to tee (4) and nozzle-holder
assembly (32).
Tighten nozzle-holder capscrews (30) alter-
natd y.
Tighten capscrew on one side to 3 to 6 foot-
pounds torque.
Tighten capscrew on opposite side to
full torque of 11 to 13 foot-pounds. Then tighten first
capscrew to full torque.
Tighten injection lines fuel
return line, and manifold drip line nut (9) and screws
(11), connectors (6), and coupling nuts (1).
Secure clamps (16, (21 ) and (29)
after lines (23 through 28) have
been installed.
Start engine and observe fuel injection line,
fuel return line, and manifold drip line connections
for fuel leakage. Correct any leaks found.
S e c t i o n X X X V I .
3 - 2 0 2 .
G e n e r a l .
This section contains information on the inspection
and replacement of the turbocharger and diffuser.
The turbocharger provides greater engine power out-
put. It is driven by engine exhaust gases. The tur-
bocharger draws in ambient air through the input dif-
fuser, compresses the air and directs the compressed
air into the engine intake manifold.
3 - 2 0 3 .
T u r b o c h a r g e r .
See f i g u r e 3 - 4 2 and proceed as follows:
a. Inspection. Operate engine at approximate
rat~d o~listen for unusual turbocharger noise.
Do not mistake whine heard during rundown for one
that indicates impeller shaft bearing failure during
operation. Other unusual noises can result from im-
proper clearance between turbine impeller and tur-
bine housing.
If such noises are heard, the turbo-
charger must be removed, disassembled, and in-
spected. Inspect for an accumulation of dirt on the
compressor impeller vanes and in the compressor
Proceed as follows:
(1) Clean the turbocharger ( 2 8 , f i g . 3 - 4 2 ) and
surrounding area with cleaning solvent Federal Spec-
ification P-D-680.
(2) Loosen setscrew (17) which secures the
exhaust pipe to the diffuser (24).
(3) Ref to p a r a g r a p h 3 - 8 6 and remove nozzle,
muffler and exhaust pipe.
(4) Inspect the turbine wheel and shaft
assembly in the exhaust end of turbocharger (28)
for signs of damage.
(5) Loosen the clamps (13) which secure air
hose (15) to the turbocharger (28) and remove the
hose from the turbocharger. Remove air hose from
air cleaner outlet to turbocharger inlet.
(6) Inspect the turbocharger compressor
wheel and compressor housing for dirt. If the coating
of dirt is light and even, cleaning the compressor
wheel is not necessary. An uneven buildup of dirt will
disturb the balance of the rotating parts and lead to
failure of the turbocharger (28). If the coating of dirt
is uneven, excessive, or approaching the appearance
of a layer which might flake-off, cleaning is neces-
sary. If this cannot be cleaned satisfactorily,
turbocharger. Should an excessive build-up of dirt
occur in the diffuser (24) a loss of efficiency in the
turbocharger will result. This loss of turbocharger
efficiency is recognized by excessive exhaust smoke.
if this cannot be cleaned satisfactorily,
replace dif-
fuser. If replacement is not required, reconnect
the exhaust pipe and air hoses which were dis-
connected above.
b. Replacement. See f i g u r e 3 - 4 2 and proceed
as Tollows:
and diffuser (24) as follows:
3 - 1 0 0