(!) Remove 4 screws ( 8 9 a n d 9 1 , f i g . 3 - 2 2 ) and cage nuts (90
and 92) which secure the lower front housing (93) to the left and
right hand housing corner posts (138 and 139).
(@ Remove 4 screws (94 and 97) and nuts (95 and 98) which
secure the upper front housing (96) to the left and right hand
housing corner posts and remove upper front housing (96).
(g) Perform steps ~ through ~ of p a r a g r a p h 3 - 8 6 .
(g) Remove 10 screws (141 and 148) which secure the front
left and right hand housing corner posts (138 and 139) to the radi-
ator support.
(p) Remove 4 screws (140 and 147) which secure th bottom
of the left and right hand housing corner posts (138 and 139) to
the radiator support, and remove corner posts.
(q) Remove 6 screws ( 3 1 , f i g . 3 - 2 9 ) , 12 bevel washers (32),
washer (33) and nuts (34) which secure the RH and LH radiator
supports (37 and 38) at the top of the skid base (39).
(1) Remove 8 screws (27), 16 washers (28 and 29) and 8 nuts
(30) which secure the RH and LH racliator supports (37 and 38) to
the sides of skid base (39).
(~) Remove radiator assembly (35), RH and LH radiator
supports (37 and 38) and radiator shroud (36) from skid base (39).
(~) Remove 8 screws and washers ( 7 , 7 A , f i g . 3 - 3 1 ) and
nuts (8) which secure radiator (17) and shroud (12) to RH and LH
radiator supports (13 and 14) and remove supports.
(y) Remove screws (9) and washers (10) which secure
radiator 17) to shroud (12) and remove the shroud and radiator.
(2) Installation. Install radiator assembly component using
the removal steps as applicable in reverse order.
3 - 1 7 4 . G e n e r a l ( S e e f i g . 1 - 2 8 . )
3 - 1 7 3 . H y d r a u l i c C o o l e r.
The hydraulic cooler is used on Class 1 sets only.
a. Service. To service the hydraulic cooler ( 1 9 , f i g . 3 - 2 9)
proceed as follows:
(1) Check that the mounting screws (1.5 and 17) are secure.
(2) Clean dirt off fins.
~ Replacement. To replace the hydraulic cooler ( 1 9 , f i g . 3 - 2 9)
proceed as follows:
(1) Removal.
(q) Position suitable container to receive hydraulic oil
drained from hoses and tubing when disconnected.
@) Disconnect hose (7) from elbow (8)
(g) Remove elbow (8) from connector (9) and remove
connector from flare nut (10).
(~) Disconnect hose (11) from connector (12) and remove
connector from adapter (13).
(s) Disconnect adapter (13) from return line (14).
(~ Remove screw (15) and clamp (16) which secure return
line to RH fan guard (26).
@ Remove screw (17) and clamp (18) which secure input
line to LH fian guard (25), and remove hydraulic cooler (19).
(2) Installation. Install hydraulic cooler (19) in reverse order
of removal, Replenish hydraulic sump with hydraulic oil.
S e c t i o n X X V I . H Y D R A U L I C A C T U A T O R A N D S U M P A N D F I L T ER
( M E P 1 0 5 A
O N L Y )
a. The hydrwdic actuator is utilized on precise engine
ge;emtor sets. The actuator regulates the engine fuel injection
system in order to maintain rated speed for all load conditions.
b. The hydraulic sump is mounted on the left side of the
engine, on Class 1 precise generator sets. The sump acts as a
reservoir for the hydraulic oil pump, used to supply hydraulic
power to the hydraulic actuator.
c. The hydrmdic oil filter is mounted on the sump and provides
pr%ection against contaminant in the hydraulic oil pressure
3 - 1 7 5 .
H y d r a u l i c
A c t u a t o r
S e r v i c e.
a. Disconnect hose ( 6 , f i g . 3 - 3 2 ) from elbow (7) and remove
el~ow (7) and packing (8).
Q, Disconnect reducer expander (9) w-ith packing (10) from
filter plug (11).
c. Remove filter plug (11) and packing (12) from hydraulic
~, Clean filter plug (11) with cleaning solvent, Federal
Specification P-D-680, and dry thoroughly.
e. Inspect filter screen for tears, holes, irregularity of mesh, or
other damage,
$ Replace cleaned filter plug (1 1), if serviceable, or install a
new plug and reassemble in the reverse order of removal.
3 - 8 4
C h a n g e