NAVFAC P-8-625-34
T . O . 35C2-3-446-2
T M 06858B/06859D-34
(c) Adjust rheostat until voltmeter indicates 22.
(1) Assemble starter assembly in reverse order of re-
5 volts.
moval procedures using new gaskets.
(2) If brushes were replaced, run in new brushes as fol-
(e) Ammeter should indicate 58 amperes maxi-
mum with starter turning at 9300 rpm.
(a) Cover armature commutator with a pieceof
No. 00 grit sandpaper.
(f) If current ands peed are low, disassemble
starter and check for high resistance at internal connections.
(b) Temporarily install brushes and commutator
end frame and run in brushes.
(g) If current is high and rpm low, disassemble
and inspect armature shaft and bushings for wear or misa-
(c) Disassemble, remove sandpaper, and clean
armature commutator and brushholder assembly with fil-
tered compressed air.
until stalled torque test is completed.
(4) Conduct starter assembly stalled torque test as fol-
( 1 ) Test overrun clutch as follows:
(a) Rotate drive gear back and forth, Gear
should turn freely in direction of motor rotation and ro-
tate armature shaft in other direction.
Rheostat must have a minimum capacity
of 1000 amperes.
(b) If gear turns armature shaft in both direc-
tions, the overrun clutch is binding and must be replaced.
(a) Install starter assembly in test setup shown in
(c) If gear does not rotate armature shaft in ei -
ther direction, the overrun clutch is slipping and must be
(b) Adjust rheostat until voltmeter indicates 14
(2) Test starter solenoid assembly as follows:
(c) Ammeter should indicate 540 amperes maxi-
mum at a minimum torque of 26 ft-lb indicated on scale.
(b) Apply 24 Vdc between the negative terminal
(d) If both current and torque are low, disasaem-
and the small terminal of the solenoid assembly.
ble the starter and check for poor internal connections or
improper brush contact. Both of these conditions would re.
(c) Solenoid actuation will be indicated by an
audible "click" and rearward movement of the drive gear.
(e) High current and low torque may be caused
(d) Remove 24 Vdc from solenoid assembly
by defective armature or field coil assembly.
(f') Remove starter assembly from test setup and
(e) The drive gear should move forward with an
audible click.
Installation. Refer to the Oprator and Organiza -
(f) Replace solenoid assembly if it fails to func-
tional Maintenance Manual for starter assembly installation
tion properly.
(g) Install terminal lead.
3 - 4 . 1 . STARTER ASSEMBLY. Effective with
serial numbers RZ70001 and KZ00001 thru
(3) Conduct starter assembly motoring test as follows:
Removal. Refer to the Operator and Organizational
Maintenance Manual for starter removal procedures.
(b) Install starter assembly into motoring test
Change 4 3-5