TM 5-6115-465-12
T O 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
T M 06858B/06859D-12
automatically removes its load
2-13 for operating instructions.
should the generator become
The load bank kit will
also automatically cease operation
in the event that it overheats.
provides the ability to lower the
70 dB(A) at 7 meters. The kit
(1) Voltage Selector
consists of panels, doors, and
components that cover or replace
voltage selector connectors are
original components of the
e l e c t r i c a l c o n n e c t o r s . They are
generator set.
used to reconnect the load bank
circuits for 120/208 Vac or 240/416
The generator set is operated
Vac operation.
and maintained in the same manner;
however, access to components and
(2) Over Temperature Reset
operation will change slightly due
to configuration changes.
Remember that the overall weight
trips automatically to open the
and cube of the generator set will
load bank circuits to remove the
unit from operation in the event of
suppression kit installed. (Refer
overheating. It is reset manually.
(3) Load Selector Switch
The ground wire must be
switch is a five position rotary
installed on the generator set
prior to mounting on a trailer.
type switch. It is graduated in
The ground stud cannot be reached
12.5 percent increments which is
due to the side panel skirts.
1/8 of the generator set rated
It actuates the load bank
power circuits.
results, tape all loose tools or
anything that may rattle. Ensure
(4) Load Bank Power On
all trailer hardware is checked for
tightness. Ensure fire
B A N K POWER ON indicator is a
extinguisher bracket is free of
press-to-test type indicator light
with a red lens. It illuminates
when power is applied to the load
fork lift, both side panel skirts
must be in the raised position.
When positioning or moving
position switch. When placed in
generator set, 1-inch ground
the AUTO position, the load bank
clearance must remain between
will automatically dump the load in
bottom tray and surface to prevent
the event that generator set load
damage. D o n o t s k i d u n i t w i t h
e x c e e d s 8 1 % o f r a t e d v a l u e . When
bottom tray installed.
t h e switch is placed in MANUAL
position, the load must be manually
C h a n g e 13