TM 5-6115-400-35
starting any cuts. Refer to sub-paragraph
(3) of paragraph c.
(b) Lower tool bit until it just contacts the
(e) Insert speed handle and rotate slowly
counterbore seat to be cut. Tighten the
clockwise until tool bit stops cutting.
two small set screws securing the tool bit
(f) Check depth of recut seat with depth
micrometer and calculate desired depth
by checking sleeve flange thickness with
Never turn tool counterclockwise;
this will damage tool bit cutting
shims to obtain the specified sleeve
protrusion or projection. Cut seat at rate
(c) Do not attempt to cut deeper than .001
of approximately .001 inch per cut until
inch at a time. Each graduation on tool
calculated desired depth is reached.
bit adjusting handle moves the bit
approximately .002 inch on the tool.
When machining new seats, take
Loosen and retighten the two set screws
micrometer readings frequently to
securing the tool bit each time the tool bit
prevent the possibility of machining
is readjusted for depth.
a counterbore too deep.
(g) Thoroughly clean cylinder block of all
The cylinder sleeve reseating tool
machining chips before attempting to
Carboloy tool bit may be replaced
install cylinder sleeves. Install shims as
with a standard tool bit for rough
required under sleeve flanges to obtain
machining only. For the finish cuts,
the specified sleeve protrusion.
use the Carboloy tool bit. A regular
cylinder boring bar can also be used
Do not attempt to measure cylinder
to rough cut the cast iron to the
sleeve standout with a straight edge
enlarged bore but the sleeve
and a feeler gage when a shim is
reseating tool with the Carboloy tool
installed in the counterbore because
bit must be used for the finish cut.
a rough edge or burrs on the shim
(d) Determine approximate depth to be cut by
may give a false reading.
checking counterbore depth and sleeve