TM 9-6115-604-34
NAVFAC P-8-633-34
Table 9-4. Main Bearing Capscrew Tightening Sequence and Torque
REF. Figure 9-24
Cross-tighten both capscrews (16)
120 to 130
(163 to 176)
Install right and left side capscrews (14)
5 to 10
(7 to 14)
Cross-tighten both capscrews (16)
190 to 200
(258 to 271)
Cross-tighten both capscrews (16)
440 to 450
(597 to 610)
Loosen both capscrews (16)
Remove all tension
Cross-tighten both capscrews (16)
190 to 200
(258 to 271)
Cross-tighten both capscrews (16)
440 to 450
(597 to 610)
Tighten all right bank capscrews (1 4)
150 to 160
(203 to 217)
Tighten all left bank capscrews (14)
150 to 160
(203 to 217)
Tighten all right bank capscrews (14)
325 to 335
(441 to 454)
Tighten all left bank capscrews (14)
325 to 335
(441 to 454)
*Before installing capscrews (14 and 16) and washers (15 and 17), coat the threads of the capscrews with dean engine
lubricating oil, MIL-L-2104, and coat the washers and underside of the capscrew heads with SAE #140W lubricant, MIL-L-
Attach a dial indicator to the cylinder block (58), and index it on the front of the crankshaft (32). Pry the
crankshaft to the front of the engine to remove all end play.
To move the crankshaft completely to the front or rear of the engine, it may be necessary to
rotate the crankshaft while prying.
Zero the dial indicator, pry the crankshaft (32) toward the rear of the engine to remove all end play, and read the
crankshaft end clearance on the dial indicator. Crankshaft end clearance must be in accordance with Table 1 4.
Thrust bearings (26) are available in different thicknesses to correct crankshaft end clearance. If the crankshaft
end clearance is not to the specifications shown in Table 1-4 replace the thrust bearings as follows:
Remove the capscrews (24), and remove the retainer plate (25).
Pry the crankshaft (32) toward the rear of the engine, and remove the thrust bearing (26) at the front of the
crankshaft thrust flange.
Pry the crankshaft (32) toward the front of the engine, and remove the thrust bearing (26) at the rear of the
crankshaft thrust flange.
Visually inspect the thrust flange for cracks, nicks, pitting, scoring, or grooving. Replace the crankshaft in
accordance with paragraph 9-27 if cracked. Rebuild the crankshaft in accordance with paragraph 9-28 if
surface defects are over 0.003 inch (0.08 mm) deep.