ARMY TM 9-6115-464-34
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-2
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-34
Move the piston gradually towards the fully closed throttle position. The transducer secondary
voltage, indicated by meter M1 shall increase in a linear manner to a maximum of 48 to 55 volts.
Repeat these adjustments until the transducer secondary voltage increases linearly from the lowest
possible value to a maximum value over the entire 1.0 inch displacement of the piston.
When final adjustment is made lock the transducer core in place with the transducer core set
Remove the gages, meter, and power supplies.
9. Installation and Final Adjustment.
(1) Position actuator unit (14, figure 3-36) to install Iockwashers (13), and bolts (12).
(2) If removed, install threaded rod (11), locknut (10), rod ends (9), screws (8) and nut (7)
(3) Install bolt (6) and nut (5).
(4) Connect hydraulic lines (4 and 3) and electrical connectors (2 and 1).
(5) Refer to the Operator and Unit Maintenance Manual and fill the hydraulic tank.
Leave governor linkage loose to accommodate adjustments.
(6) Place the generator set START-RUN- STOP switch in the RUN position.
Do not attempt to start the generator set. Failure to observe this caution could result in
equipment damage.
(7) Place the generator set BATTLE SHORT switch in the override (ON) position.
(8) Beginning at the full counterclockwise position, rotate the fuel injection pump shutoff lever in the
clockwise direction until a slight resistance is felt. Hold the shutoff lever in this position.
This resistance is the fuel injection pump governor linkage hook engaging the metering
valve arm.
(9) Move the hydraulic actuator unit piston to the extended position for 69-600-3, retracted position for
69-600-2 (refer to table 3-2).
(10) Adjust the hydraulic actuator governor linkage until it fits between the actuator unit piston clevis and
the fuel injection pump shutoff lever.
(11) Return the generator set START-RUN-STOP switch to the STOP position and the BATTLE SHORT
switch to the OFF position.