ARMY TM 9-6115-464-34
AIR FORCE TO 36C2-3-445-2
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-34
d. Assembly.
(1) Install coils (69, figure 3-37), Iockwashers (68), and screws (67).
(2) Position armature (64), to install setscrews (66), and locknuts (65). Install armature (64), nuts (63),
Iockwashers (62) and screws (61).
(3) Install mounting plates (60), nuts (59), Iockwashers (58), and screws (57).
(4) Install pin springs (56), with attaching parts, position adapters (55), to install Iockwashers (54) and
screws (53).
(5) Install new o-rings (52), bottom orifices (51), spacers (50), valves (49) with the holes in the up
position to accept needles, new o-rings (48), top orifices (47) and valve needles (46).
(6) Position valve blick (45), to install armature core (44), Iockwashers (43) and screws (42).
(7) Install new gasket (41), cover (40), Iockwashers (39) and screws (38).
(8) Install new gasket (37), electrical connector, with Iockwashers (35) and screws (34)
(9) Install new o-rings (33) and plugs (32).
(10) If removed, install roll pin (31).
(11) install transducer (30) to 0.125 inches below outside edge of valve block, and secure with setscrew
(12) Install split spacer (29), electrical connector (28), lockwasher (27) and screw (26).
(13) Install piston (24).
(14) install quad-ring collar (23), collar (22), new o-ring (21), washer (20), retaining ring (19) and clevis
(15) Install quad-ring collar (17), collar (16), new o-ring (15), washer (14) and retaining ring (13).
(16) Install transduce slug (12).
(17) Install link (11), and tighten setscrew (10).
(18) Install Iockwasher (9) and screw (8).
(19) Install new o-ring (7), filter assembly (6), adapter (5) and elbow (4).
(20) Install new o-ring (3), adapter (2) and elbow (1)
e. Testing with test stand.
(1) Install hydraulic actuator unit in test stand as follows: (See figure 3-39.)
(a) Connect hydraulic fluid supply from test stand gauge (G3) to actuator inlet port (P).
(b) Connect hydraulic fluid return Iine to actuator port (R).
(c) Connect test stand gauge (G1) to actuator unit test point (A1).
(d) Connect test stand gauge (G2) to actuator test point (A2).
(e) Connect connectors (P3) and (P4) of test stand electrical cable assemblies to actuator unit
connectors (J6 and J4) respectively.
(2) Start the test stand.
(3) Beginning at position 1, rotate switch (S3) to each position and compare the readings with those of
table 3-2.