ARMY TM 9-6115-464-34
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-2
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-34
Place test stand switch (S2) in the off position to turn off hydraulic fluid pump.
Place the actuator unit piston in the full fuel position and check indication on test stand meter (M1).
Indication should be less than 3 volts.
Place the actuator unit piston in the no fuel position and check indication on test stand meter (M1).
Indication should be approximately 48-55 volts.
Slowly, at an even rate, move the hydraulic actuator unit piston from the no fuel to the full fuel
position while observing test stand meter (M1). The indication on meter should decrease, at an even
rate, from approximately 50 volts to less than 3 volts. The indication should not change directions.
Shut off test stand and remove the hydraulic actuator unit.
If unit failed to meet test requirements, disassemble and ascertain cause. Retest prior to installation.
f. Test without test stand.
(1) Actuator Valve and Piston Test.
See figure 3-40 to perform the valve and piston test.
Connect dc power supply (ps) and switch (S1 ) to J6 as illustrated. Connect voltmeter (Ml ) with
resistor (R1) to pins A and B of J4.
Attach gage G1 and G2 as shown. Connect hydraulic power source (310-320 psi, 2 gpm) and
gage G3 and provide a return line from port R to the hydraulic sump.
To adjust the valves, remove the large round cover and replace it with a similar diameter collar
which will allow access to the adjustment screws and jam nuts. This is necessary to contain the
hydraulic fluid which is ported within this cover.
With hydraulic power but no electric power applied, adjust the valve with Allen set screw to yield
200 psi ± 10 psi at A1 port (gage G1) and 150 psi ± 10 psi at A2 port (gage G2). (See figure 3-40).
Avoid overadjusting to prevent pressures or forces which could bend valve push rods.
Failure to observe this caution could result in equipment damage.
After adjusting, lock Allen adjusting screws with jam nuts, and install cover.
Set S1 to the center position (solenoid coils in series). Apply 350 ± 20 ma through the coils.
Pressures at A1 and A2 ports shall remain the same (step e above).
Set switch S1 to connect power (PS) to coil L2 and apply 700 ma ± 40 ma. Pressure at A1 port
(gage G1) shall be 310 to 400 psi. pressure at A2 port (gage G2) shall be O to 20 psi.
Set switch S1 to connect power (PS) to coil L1 and apply 700 ma ± 40 ma. Pressure at A1 port
(gage G1) shall be 0 to 40 psi and pressure at A2 port (gage G2) shall be 310 to 400 psi.
(2) Throttle Position Transducer Test.
With voltmeter (M1), resistor (R1) and 120 ± 1%, 60 Hz) power source connected as shown in figure
3-40, move piston to fully open throttle position.
With the transducer body locked in place by its set screw, loosen the transducer core set screw and
move the core relative to the body until a minimum voltage (0.5 to 2.5 volts) is obtained on the
transducer secondary, as indicated on M1.