ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-12Section VIII. UNIT MAINTENANCE OF THE ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM4-27GENERAL. This section contains unit maintenance instructions for the engine fuel system. Fuel is stored in themain fuel tank located in the generator set skid base. Two electrically driven pumps which are controlled by the day tankfuel level and Iow fuel cutoff switch transfer the fuel from the fuel tank to the day tank Before entering the day tank thefuel passes through the fuel strainer and primary fuel filter. From the day tank the fuel passes through the secondaryfuel filter to the fuel injection pump. The fuel injection pump forces the fuel to the injectors in the cylinder bed. Excessfuel is returned to the day tank through the fuel return line. The entire fuel system is vented through the main fuel tankfiller cap.4-28 FUEL TRANSFER PUMPS.a.Removal.NOTETest fuel transfer pumps in accordance with subparagraph d. below prior to removal.(1) Disconnect electrical leads at pump.(2) Disconnect fuel supply hose (1, Figure 4-14) and remove elbow (2).(3) Disconnect fuel discharge hose (3) and remove elbow (4).(4) Remove tube assembly (5) and elbows (6 and 7).(5) Remove nuts (8), lockwashers (9), flatwashers (10) and screws (11) to remove fuel transfer pumps (12).b. Cleaning and Inspection.Dry cleaning solvent P-D-680, Type II, inflammable and toxic. Use only in anapproved cleanlng cabinet or in a well-ventilated area away from openflames or intense heat. Avoid prolonged Inhalation of solvent fumes and ex-tended exposure of skin to solvents. Death to personnel and damage toequipment may result. Wear/use protective clothing and equipment. Washthoroughly with soap and water after contact with solvents.(1) Clean fuel transfer pumps with a dean, lint-free cloth moistened with an approved cleaning advent(P-D-680).(2) Inspect fuel transfer pumps for cracked casing, corrosion, stripped threads or other damage.c. Service.(1) Remove cover (13, Figure 4-14) and gasket (14).(2) Carefully remove filter (15) from pump body (16).(3) Wash filter in dry cleaning solvent (Federal Specification P-D-680).(4) Inspect filter for tears or other damage. Replace if defective.(5) Position filter in pump body; install gasket, and secure with cover.d. Testing.(1) Disconnect fuel line from fuel solenoid valve (paragraph 4-24) and position to drain into a suitable gra-duated container.(2) Disconnect electrical connector from day tank fuel level and Iow fuel cutoff switch (paragraph 4-23).(3) Place START-RUN-STOP switch in RUN position and BATTLE SHORT switch in ON position (32,Figure 2-1).4-44
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