TM 5-6115-593-34
NAVFAC P-8-631-34
and nuts (37) joining side panel (54) and upper side panel (42).
Install side panel (45) to support frame with eleven screws (43) and nuts (44). Install two screws (39),
washers (41), and nuts (40) joining side panel (45) and upper side panel (42).
Similarly, install side panel (51) with eleven screws (49), and nuts (50) to support frame. Add two screws
(29), washers (31), and nuts (30) to attach side panel (51) to lower side panel (35), and attach two clamps
(58) with the same hardware.
Clamps (17, 23 and 31A) are used to secure louver wiring harness (3, figure 15-23)
Install side panel (48) to support frame (at the top and bottom only) with five screws (46), and nuts (47).
Install two screws (29), washers (31), and nuts (30) joining lower side panel (35) and side panel (48)
Install top side panel (28) to support frame with nine screws (25), washers (27), and nuts (26).
Install bottom side panel (24) to support frame with nine screws (20), washers (22), and nuts (21). Use the
same hardware to attach three clamps (23).
Door and shutter assemblies are left-hand and right-hand assemblies. (Two left-hand
assemblies on left side of housing and two right-hand assemblies on right side of housing).
Use correct door assembly.
Install right-hand preassembled door and shutter assembly (19) by attaching hinge to side panel (54) with
twelve screws (14), washers (15), and nuts (16). Using the same hardware, attach two clamps (17). Attach
door holder rod (18); then close loop ends.
Similarly, install other right-hand pre-assembled door and shutter assembly (19) to side panel (51) with
hinge attached with twelve screws (14), washers (15), and nuts (16). Using the same hardware attach one
clamp (17). Attach door holder rod (18); then close loop ends.
All access doors (two on each side of housing) are different. Identify and locate by comparing
to illustrations.
Install access door (8) by attaching hinge to side panel (45) with twelve screws (1), washers (2), and nuts
(3). Attach rod holder (18); then close loop ends.
Similarly, install the other access door 98) by attaching hinge to side panel (48) with twelve screws (1),
washers (2), and nuts (3). Attach door holder rod (18); then close loop ends.
Install relay assembly (4) in the external power box with four screws (5), washers (7), and nuts (6). Install
DC wiring diagram plates (10 and 11) and DC schematic plate (12) using eighteen rivets (9).
Attach corner post (57) to support frame with eight screws (55) and washers (56) and install three screws
(52) and nuts (53) attaching corner post (57) to support frame at the bottom.
Front. See figure 15-18 and install as follows:
Install identification plate (32) to enclosure panel (30) with two rivets (31).