NAVFAC P-8-631-34
(7) If field coils have electrical shorts, opens,
grounds, oil soaking, or insulation obviously damaged
beyond repair, replace as follows:
(a) Place a pole shoe spreader between
opposite pole rotor shoes (67, figure 13-9)
and tighten in place.
(b) Using a pole shoe screwdriver and an arbor
press, remove pole shoe screws (66).
Remove pole screw spreader with pole rotor
shoes (67).
(c) Repeat steps (1) and (2) for other two rotor
pole shoes.
(d) Push in on field coil terminal stud (59) and
slip field coils (64) out of starter housing (6).
(e) Remove field coil insulators (63), insulator
plate (69), field terminal washer (62), and
terminal bushings (65) and discard.
Insert new field coil (64) into starter housing
(6) with new field coil insulators (63),
insulator plate (69), field terminal washer
(62), and terminal bushings (65).
If pole rotor shoes (67) have a long lip
on one side, lip must face in direction
of armature rotation (clockwise when
viewed from the drive end). This
locates lip as trailing edge of pole
rotor shoe.
(g) Insert pole rotor shoes (67) into position in
field coils and retain with pole shoe screws
(66). Do not tighten screws at this time.
(h) Check that insulators (69) are properly
placed and pole rotor shoes are not pinching
field coils (64). Tighten pole shoe screws
(66) using an ordinary screwdriver.
Place a pole shoe spreader between
opposite pole rotor shoes (67) and tighten in
Using a pole shoe screwdriver and an arbor
press, tighten pole shoe screws (66) and
remove pole shoe spreader.
(k) Repeat steps (7) through (10) for other two
pole shoes.
Ensure that terminal bushings (65) and field
terminal washer (62) are properly positioned
on terminal stud (59). Install another field
terminal washer (62), flat washer (61), and
plain hexagonal nut (41) on terminal stud.
(m) Install terminal lug (60) and plain external
nut (40) on terminal stud (59). Do not
tighten nut at this time.
(8) Replace defective electrical holder assembly
(44) and insulators as follows:
(a) Remove brush plate screws (56) and
electrical holder assembly (44) with brush
plate insulator (52) and insulator washer
(47).Discard insulators if defective.
(b) Install new brush plate insulator (52) and
insulator washer (47) on new electrical
holder assembly (44) and insert stud