TM 5-6115-593-12TO 35C2-3-463-1(1) Disconnect minus lead from KVARmeter M108.(2) Observing polarity, connect amultimeter (set to measure 0-1miliamp DC) in series withdisconnected minus lead and openterminal of meter M108.(3) Meter reading should be within ±3percent of multimeter reading.(4) Disconnect test equipment andreconnect lead to step (1).o. Test of POWER FACTOR meter (15, figure4-22).(1) Tag and disconnect all leadsconnected to meter terminals 1through 4.(2) Using an ohmmeter set to Rx1 scale,measure resistance across terminals1 and 2. Reading should be less than1 ohm.(3) Using an ohmmeter set to Rx100scale, measure resistanceacrossterminals 3 and 4. Reading should be950 ohms +20 percent.(4) Remove tags and reconnect leads tometer terminals.p. Test of VOLTS AC meter (80, figure 4-22).(1) Connect a multimeter (set to measureAC volts) across terminals of VOLTSAC meter M101.(2) Meter reading should be within +3percent of multimeter reading.q. Replacement.(1) Replace inoperative or defectivegauges and switches on controlpanels as follows:(a) Tag wires to gauges, switchesor circuit breaker.(b) Remove wires.(c) Remove mounting hardware.(2) Installation.(a) Mount gauges and switchesonto control panel with mountinghardware.(b) Reconnect wires and removetags.(3) Removal of circuit breaker CB1.(a) Tag and remove wires to CB1(87, figure 4-22).(b) Remove bracket mountingscrews (86) to release circuitbreaker (87) from panel.(c) Remove circuit breakermounting screws (85) to releasecircuit breaker from mountingbracket (86).(4) Installation of CB1.(a) Install mounting bracket (86)onto circuit breaker (87) withscrews (85).(b) Mount circuit breaker (87) bysecuring mounting bracket (86)to panel with screws.(c) Connect lead wires and removewire tags.4-41. HARNESS ASSEMBLY.a. Inspection.WARNINGSet MAINTENANCE LOCKOUT switch toLOCKOUT. Disconnect negative cablefrom batteries. Remove external powerby opening CB101 (120V RECEPTACLEBREAKER). Load terminals of generatorset circuit breaker (CB2) may still beenergized with bus voltage.(1) Inspect connectors for damagedthreads and bent, loose, or missingpins.4-70
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