(d) S2-open.
(2) Place master switch in preheat position.
Lamps L2 and L3 shall light indicating that the pre-
heat circuitry is correct.
(3) Place master switch in start position. Lamps
L1, L2, L3, L4, L5 and L6 shall light indicating that
all circuits for starting are correct.
(4) With the master switch in the start position,
open switch S1, lamp L1 shall extinguish indicating
that the start disconnect circuitry is correct.
(5) With the master switch in the start position,
close switch S2 and then place the master switch in
the prime and run position. Lamps L2 and L3 shall
extinguish lamps L4, L5 and L6 shall remain lit in-
dicating that the prime and run circuitry are correct.
(6) With the master switch in the prime and run
position and lamps L4, L5 and L6 lit, open switch S2.
Lamp L4 shall extinguish indicating that the engine
protective devices circuit and the prime circuit is
NAVFAC P-8-262-12
(7) Repeat the procedure of step 5, except that
the master switch shall be placed in the prime and
run aux. fuel position after closing s-witch S2. Lamps
L4, L5, L6, and L7 shall remain lit indicating that
the prime and run aux. fuel circuitry is correct.
(8) With the master switch in the prime and run
aux. fuel position and lamps L4, L5, L6 and L7 lit open
switch S2. Lamp L4 shall extinguish indicating that
the engine protective devices circuit and the prime
circuit is correct.
(9) Place master switch in the stop position, all
lamps shall be out indicating that all stop circuits are
(10) Place panel light switch in the on position,
panel lights shall be on indicating that the panel light
circuit is correct.
(11) Reposition all switches as in step 1 and dis-
connect test setup.
9-3/(9-4 blank)