NAVFAC P-8-623-12
Figure 4-1. Uncrating Generator Set
Do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicini-
ty when servicing batteries. Battaries generate
hydrogen, a highly explosive gas. Electrolyte
c o n t a i n s s u l p h u r i c a c i d a n d c a n c a u s e s e v e r e
burns. Handle it with care. If the solution comes
in contact with the body, eyes or clothing, rinse
i m m e d i a t e l y w i t h c l e a n w a t e r . A v o i d s p i l l i n g
electrolyte on painted surfaces.
(9) Check crankcase oil level (paragraph 3-2) and
add oil as necessary (paragraph 3-3) in accordance with
the lubrication order (figure 3-1).
b. Outdoor Installation. When preparing for a per-
manent installation, be sure the base is solid enough to
support the weight of the unit. See figure 1-4 for dimen-
sions of the bas. Seclect a location where there will be
sufficient space on all sides for servicing and operation
of the engine Generator Set. When preparing a tem-
porary installation, move the engine Generator Set as
close to the worksite as practical. Use suitable planks,
logs, or other material for a base in an area where the
ground is soft.
c. Indoor Installation. Keep the area wall ventilated
a t a l l t i m e s , s o t h a t t h e e n g i n e G e n e r a t o r S e t w i ll
receive a maximum supply of air. If a free supply of
fresh air is not available, provide duct work which will
assure the required ventilation (refer to paragraph 1-
10.b.(1).). If louvers are used at the air entrance, in-
4-2. I N S T A L L I N G G E N E R A T O R S E T.
crease the duct work size by 25 to 50 percent. Install a
gas-tight metal pipe exhaust from the exhaust outlets
a. General. The engine Generator Set should be in-
to the outside of the installation. The termination of
the exhaust pipe shall be such that hot gases or sparks
stalled on a site clear of obstacles, with ample ventila-
tion and level within ±15 degrees maximum.
will be discharged harmlessly and will not be directed
against combustible material or into an area contain-
Change 4