(1) Refer to the Operator/Crew and Organiza-
tional Maintenance Manual and remove the oil filter,
TM 5-6115-584-34
NAVFAC P-8-622-34
After installation of new connecting rod or
main bearings, clearances should be checked
using plastic gauge.
(5) Install oil base (1, figure 7-15) with a new
gasket (2) using screws (3), lockwasher (4) and
washer (5).
(6) Install cylinder head using proper bolt tight-
ening sequence (see figure 7-13).
7-11. OIL PUMP.
a. Remove.
(1) Refer to paragraph 7-14 and remove gear
(2) Refer to paragraph 7-10 and remove oil base
assembly and oil cup assembly.
(3) Remove crankshaft gear lock ring (11, figure
7-19), gear (13) and retaining washer (12). At this
time the crankshaft gear (13) should be inspected for
signs of wear.
(4) Hold the pump (16) while removing attaching
screws (14) and lockwashers (17). Remove pump.
b. Clean and Inspect.
(1) Inspect oil passages. Clean with stiff wire
and wash out with fuel oil if necessary.
(2) Rotate pump drive gear and check that it ro-
tates smoothly without binding.
c. Install (see figure 7-19).
(1) Install gear (16), retaining washer (15), and
lockring (14).
(2) Fill pump intake and outlet with oil to be sure it
is primed.
(3) Mount pump on engine using screws (14) and
lockwashers (15). Allow pump drive gear to crank-
shaft gear clearance. Failure to allow clearance can
damage oil pump.
(4) Install oil cup assembly (10) into pump.
(5) Install oil base (refer to paragraph 7-10).
(6) Install gear cover (refer to paragraph
a. Removal.
Figure 7-18. Connecting Rod Installation
oil pressure switch and oil lines connected to the oil
filter adapter.
(2) Remove screws (20 and 21, figure 7-19) and
Iockwashers (22) and remove oil filter adapter (23)
and gasket (24). Discard gasket.
b. Inspection. Clean and inspect oil filter adapter
for damaged threads. Check oil passages for obstruc-
tion and clean if necessary.
c. Installation.
(1) Clean all gasket material from oil filter
adapter (23, figure 7-19) and cylinder block. Attach
oil filter adapter (23) and new gasket (24) to cylinder
block with screws (20 and 21) and lockwashers (22).
(2) Refer to the Operator/Crew and Organiza-
tional Maintenance Manual and install the low oil pres-
sure switch, oil filter and oil lines on the oil filter
a d a p t e r .
a. Test on Equipment (see figure 7-20). High oil
pressure may be caused by the by-pass valve plunger
sticking closed. Low oil pressure may be caused by
the by-pass valve plunger sticking open. If these con-
ditions exist, clean and inspect by-pass valve.