(3) Heat the gear in oil to a temperature of 350°
- 400° F.
(4) Using asbestos gloves, position the gear on
the camshaft and align the gear keyway with the key
in the camshaft.
(5) press the gear onto the shaft until the gear
hub is flush with the front end of the camshaft.
(6) Check the clearance between the thrust plate
and bearing journal.
The end play clearance is
.0027 to 0.0083 inch.
(7) Check camshaft journal to bearing running
(8) Oil the camshaft bearings in the cylinder
block and carefully insert the camshaft. Be careful
not to scratch or mar the camshaft bearings.
(9) Before camshaft is completely inserted in
cylinder block, position thrust plate in place.
Make certain the timing marks on camshaft
gear and crankshaft gear are aligned when
camshaft is installed (fig. 14-25).
(10) Install the capscrews through the thrust
plate. Tighten the capscrews to a torque of 18 to
20 foot -pounds.
(11) Check the camshaft gear backlash. The
backlash between the mating gears of the crankshaft
and the camshaft is 0.0015 to 0.-009 inch. The back-
lash between the mating gears of the hydraulic pump
and camshaft is O. 003 to O. 011 inch.
c. Cylinder Head Reassembly and Installation.
(1) Make certain that the machined surfaces of
the cylinder block and the cylinder head are thoroughly
clean. A new cylinder head gasket must be used be-
fore installing the cylinder head.
Before the cylinder head is installed, make
certain that there is not an excessive amount
of oil, or any other liquid, in the capscrew
holes in the cylinder block. Too much oil in
any of these holes may cause a hydrostatic lock
and crack the cylinder block when the capscrew
is tightened.
(2) Thoroughly clean top deck of cylinder block
underside of cylinder head.
(3) Make certain that the cylinder sleeve stand-
out is within the specified limits. The standout of
each cylinder sleeve is 0.002 inch to 0.005 inch above
the top flat surface of the cylinder block.
Correct standout, if necessary, by recondi-
tioning sleeve seat in the block and installi~
sleeve shims under cylinder sleeve flange to
obtain the 0. 002-inch to 0. 005-inch protrusion.
(4) Install a new cylinder head gasket over the
two dowel pins and onto the cylinder block with the
indicated side down, as stamped on the gasket. Do
not use any sealer or gasket dope. The gasket as
supplied has been pre-coated with a phenolic sealer
and an anti-stick compound.
(5) Use a sling and position the cylinder head
over the dowel pins and onto the cylinder block.
(6) Lubricate threads of 20 short cylinder head
capscrews with light coat of engine oil and install with
hardened washers in cylinder head. Tighten capscrews
to 90 to 110 foot -pounds following sequence shown in
figure 14-42. (Sect ion A).
T i g h t e n t h e 2 0 c y l i n d e r h e ad
c a p s c r e w s I n t h e n u m e r i c a l s e q u e n c e I n
f i g u r e 1 4 - 4 2,
S e c t i o n A t o 1 5 5 - 1 65
f o o t - p o u n d t o r q u e .
Torque figures in this and following steps are
based on engine oil lubricated threads and
under cap screw heads. To prevent over-
stressing of capscrew, use engine oil only.
Other lubricants may- cause extreme pressure.
(8) Position rocker arms, shaft, and brackets
assembly on cylinder head and align rocker arm ad-
justing screws in the push rod cup ends. Install the
six long capscrews; also install the six 3/8 inch cap-
screws and lockwashers in the rocker arm brackets.
Tighten the 1ong capscrews, starting at the center of
the head and working alternately towards each end,
to a torque of 90-100 foot-pounds and the 3/8 inch
capscrews to a torque of 28-33 foot -pounds.
Lubricate threads and under capscrew heads
with a light coat of engine oil before installing.
(9) Tighten the 26 cylinder head capscrews in
the numerical sequence in figure 14-42 to 155-165
foot -pounds torque.
T i g h t e n t h e 6 c y l i n d e r h e ad
c a p s c r e w s I n t h e n u m e r i c a l s e q u e n c e In
f i g u r e 1 4 . 4 2 ( S e c t i o n B ) .
c a p s c r e w s t o 1 5 5 - 1 6 5 f o o t - p o u n d s.
1 4 - 86
Change 5