(2) Check that the timing line on the governor
weight retainer hub is opposite the line on the pump
(3) Disconnect all fuel lines and plug all open-
(4) Disconnect throttle and shut-off linkage and
disconnect electrical leads from solenoid.
(5) Remove mounting nuts on the pump flange.
(6) Slide pump gently from location. Be care-
ful not to damage the pilot tube by cocking pump on
c. Disassembly.
Disassemble the pump in the
numerical sequence illustrated in figure 14-21 paying
particular attention to the following
Never clamp the pump in a vice without
using the fixture.
(1) Mount pump in holding fixture and secure in
(2) Remove three screws (1) and remove cover
(4). Set cover containing solenoid aside for later
Refer to paragraph 14-46.
(3) Rotate shut-off lever (21 ) to full off position;
pry gently between housing and linkage hook (45) and
remove shut-off cam (25).
(4) Partially withdraw throttle shaft assembly
(26) and lift out throttle shaft lever (40), spacers and
governor arm damper barrel assembly (86). Re-
move throttle shaft and shut-off shaft assemblies (24).
(5) Hold metering valve (93) and arm assembly
(91 ) down and lift linkage hook (45) from metering
valve arm pin (91 ). Disengage hook from governor
arm (86). Do not separate linkage hook from spring
unless necessary to replace one of these parts.
(6) Remove the end plate assembly (58). Re-
move the speed droop adjusting cap (73) by pulling to
the rear of the pump.
With a pair of needle nose pli-
ers, remove the control rod clip (78).
Do not bend the control rod.
Loosen and remove the control rod guide (75), O ring
(77) and guide washer (76). Disengage the governor
spring (80) from the governor arm (86) and remove
the governor spring (80) and control rod assembly
(79) as a unit.
(7) Remove metering valve (93) and arm
assembly (91) from hydraulic head.
Metering valve is shimmed to reduce
vertical play. If valve, arm or head,
and rotor assembly are not replaced,
save shims and spacer for reassembly.
(8) Remove two head locking screws (146, 147)
from pump housing (166).
(9) Invert pump and holding fixture as a unit and
remove head locating screw (103), advance screw
hole plug (100), and remove advance pin (102).
(10) Remove the power piston plug (111 ) and ad-
vance spring components (97-113) as an assembly.
Disassemble by removing cap (115) and loosening jam
nut (114) and back trimmer screw (11 2) completely in.
Slide the piston (99) out of the plug (do not turn piston
inside of plug).
Remove the retaining ring (110) from
the piston (99) and remove spring (108) and trimmer
screw (112).
The sides of the housing just above the
advance bears a C denoting clock-
wise pump rotation as viewed from the
drive end. The power side of the pis-
ton is located on the C side of a
clockwise rotation pump.
(11 ) Invert the holding fixture in the vise. Grasp
the hydraulic head assembly firmly in both hands and
withdraw with a slight rotary motion. Use caution
not to drop the governor weights (116).
(12) To disassemble the governor, invert the
hydraulic head and rotor assembly (145) and let
weights (116), governor thrust sleeve (117), and gov-
ernor thrust sleeve wahser (118) fall into your hand.
(13) Place the hydraulic head assembly on pump
holding fixture so that the governor weight retainer
(123) engages the bar on the fixture.
(14) Remove the pressure regulating sleeve (49)
from end plate (59). Slide off the inlet screen (51).
Remove the adjusting plug (48). Shake out the regu-
lating spring (54) and piston (55). Reverse the
assembly and remove the regulating piston seal (56).
(15) To disassemble transfer pump, lift out
transfer pump seal (71 ), liner (72) and blades (67-70),
and springs (65, 66).
(16) Using a 5/32 inch Allen wrench, loosen the
delivery valve retainer screw (138) and remove it.
(17) Lift head and rotor assembly and shake de-
livery valve stop (139), spring (140), and delivery
valve (141 ) into the hand.
(18) Using a small-bladed screwdriver or a dull