listen for evidence of solenoid actuation. If no sole-
(5) Install float switch (38) using above re-
- noid action is heard, replace the solenoid valve (34).
moval steps in reverse order.
(3) Reconnect the electrical connector.
Removal and Replacement. Replace the day
tati (42) as follows:
c. Removal and Replacement. To repltice the
sol=noid valve (34) proceed as follows:
(1) Open drain cock(36) on bottom of day tank
(~) Open drain cock (36) on bottom of day
(42) and drain talk coutents ir,to a suitable contain-
tank (42) and drain tank contents into a suitable
(2) Disconnect and tag electrical connectors
(b) Tag and disconnect the electrical con-
from the float switch (38) and the solenoid valve
nectors frfim float switch (38) and solenoid valve
(3) Disconnect fuel lines from day tank.
(~) Unscrew the float switch (38) from the
day tank (42) and lift the float switch assembly
(4) Disconnect fuel line attached to elbow (31)
from the tank.
and remove elbow from tee (33).
(d) Discomect fuel lines from day tank
(42) and s~lenoid valve (34)
If fuel winterizat ion kit is installed,
(~) Remove the four screws (25) and wash-
disconnect heater fuel shutoff valve
(32) from tee (33).
ers (28A) which secure day tank (42) to bracket (51)
and remove day tank.
(5) Remove the four screws (25) and washers
(2) Replacement. Install day tank (42) by
(28A) which secure day tank (42) to bracket (51) and
using the removal steps in reverse order.
remove day tank.
(6) Remove tee (33) from solenoid valve (34).
3 - 1 6 0 . F u e l F i l t e r A s s e m b l y R e m o v a l a n d R e p l a c e -
m e n t .
(7) Unscrew and remove solenoid valve (34)
from day tank (42).
To replace the fuel filter assembly, see
f i g u r e
3 - 2 7 and proceed as follows:
(8) Install new solenoid valve (34) in reverse
sequence of removal procedures.
3 - 1 5 9 . D a y T a n k a n d F l o a t S w i t c h
Refer to p a r a g r a p h 3 - 3 4 for prc -
cedures to replace filter element
See f i g u r e 3 - 2 7 and proceed as follows:
of fuel filter assembly.
a. Inspection. Inspect the float switch (38) which
is iiiounted on the day tank (42) for loose connector
(10), loose mounting, and other damage.
Test the float switch (38) as
(1) Remove connector (10) from float
switch (38).
(2) Remove float switch (38) from day tank
(3) Connect an ohmmeter between pina C and
D of the connector (10) and verify continuity when
the bottom float is placed at its bottom position and
verify open circuit when float is placed at its top
(4) Connect an ohmmeter between pins A
and B of the connector (10) and verify continuity
when the top float is placed at its bottom position and
verify open circuit when float is placed at its top posi-
t ion.
(1) Open drain cocks on fuel filter assembly
(9) and drain into suitable container.
(2) Clean dirt from filter head, filter body
and surrounding area.
(3) Disconnect hose assemblies (1 and 4) and
remove fuel filter assembly (9) by removing the
four screws (7) and washers(8).
(1) See
f i g u r e
3 - 2 7 and replace fuel filter
assembly (9) in the reverse order of removal.
blv (9).
3 - 7 6 C h a n g e 9