1. Drain Cock
9. N u t
2. Drain Cock
10. Stud
3. Filter body
11. Nut
4. Header
12. Strainer body
5. Screw
13. Gasket
6. Gasket
14. Retainer
7. Filter cartridge
15. Strainer element
8. Gasket
Figure 3-6.
Fuel Filter and Strainer
b .
S e r v i c e.
S e r v i c e t h e f u e l f i l -
t e r a s s e m b l y a t i n t e r v a l s s h o w n i n t a -
b l e 3 - 1 . 1 , i t e m 1 2 , a n d p r o c e e d a s f o l-
lows :
(1) Open the drain cocks (1 and 2, fig. 3-6) at
bottom of filter and strainer and allow to drain into
suitable container.
(2) Remove filter body (3) from header (4) by
removing screw (5) and gasket (6).
(3) Remove and discard filter cartridge (7) and
gasket (8). Unscrew nut (9) from stud (10) and re-
move strainer body (12) and gasket (13).
(4) Remove retainer (14) and strainer element
(5) Clean the strainer element (15) and all parts
including interior of strainer body (12) with cleaning
solvent Federal Specification P-D-680.
(6) Dry with compressed air or lint free cloth.
(7) See figure 3-6 and install new filter cart-
ridge (7) and gasket (8) and replace fuel filter and
strainer in reverse order of removal.
3-35. Start Aid Assembly.
a. Inspection.
Inspect ether tank (8, fig.. 3-28),
solenoid valve, and tank bracket for loose mounting,
dents, loose fittings, and other damage.
b . Servicing. Either tank must be replaced by
Organizational Maintenance personnel when empty
(tank weighs 2 lbs. 4 oz. when full; 1 lb. when
empty). Service the starting aid assembly as follows:
Be careful not to inhale ether gas
as drowsiness and unconsciousness
may result.
(1) Disconnect atomizer (2, fig. 3-28) and
tube (1) from intake manifold and solenoid valve
adapter (3).
(2) Crank engine and momentarily actuate
ENGINE PRIMER switch while an observer watches
adapter opening. If no spray is observed, notify
Organizational Maintenance personnel.
(3) Clean atomizer and tube with a source of
compressed air.
3-36. Filler Cap, Gasket and Strainer.
a . Inspection. (See fig. 3-7)
(1) Inspect main fuel tank cap and strainer for
breaks, cracks, holes or other evidence of damage.
(2) Inspect main fuel tank cap gasket for tears
or deterioration. Check that valve opening in cap I S
clear of obstruction.
(3) Inspect fuel tank filler hose for leaks.
cracks, loose mounting, deterioration or other evi-
dence of damage.
C h a n g e 12
3 - 15