TM 5-6115-465-34
T0 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
TM 06858B/06859D-34
(d) Apply 230 Vac RMS to winding 1-2
with all secondaries open circuit. Voltage across
winding 3-4 shall be 14.8 0.148 volts RMS. Volt-
Conspicuously mark port plate (5) and
age across winding 3-5 shall be 29.6 0.296 volts
cam ring (9) to insure that they will be
installed properly.
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(1) Clean motor assembly with a clean lint-
(10) Use a semiconductor test set to check
free cloth moistened with an approved solvent.
semiconductors for inverse current leakage at peak
recurrent inverse voltage of 600 volts. Leakage
(2) Wash all parts in dry cleaning solvent
shall not exceed 20.0 milliamperes at 77F (25C).
(Federal Specification P-D-680) and dry thoroughly.
Check forward voltage drop. Voltage drop shall not
exceed 1.2 volts at 77F (25C). Replace defective
(3) Inspect and repair pump parts as outlined
(11) Inspect heat sink and bracket for cracks,
d . Assembly. Assemble coolant pump and motor
corrosion and evidence of overheating.
assembly procedures while observing the following:
(12) Inspect wiring harness for loose or dam-
(1) Install seal spring (16) and seal washer (15)
aged connector pins, damaged terminals, worn or
over end of motor shaft. Place o-ring (13) in seal
chaffed insulation, and burned areas indicating
cage (14), then install seal cage over end of motor
shorting. Check individual wires for continuity using
shaft with seal face facing forward.
(2) Install adapter (12) over motor shaft and
(13) If the wiring harness has sustained dam-
align holes with tapped holes in motor.
age and requires repair or rebuild, refer to figure
8-9 for layout, identification of
material require-
(3) Install pump rotor (10) on motor shaft and
temporarily tighten rotor setscrew (8). Place cam
ments and Appendix A references for detailed solder-
ing and replacement procedures.
ring (7) in position aligning scribe marks.
(14) Inspect chassis and cover for cracks,
(4) With motor shaft end play taken up in dir-
corrosion, warping and other damage. Replace parts
ection of pump, make certain there is at least 0.002
damaged beyond repair.
inch clearances between outer face of cam ring and
rotor. Loosen setscrew and position rotor if neces-
(15) Inspect hardware for crossed, stripped,
sary. Remove cam ring.
and peened threads.
(5) Install pump vanes (9) into rotor making
d. Assembly. Assemble heater control assem-
sure that the grooves in the vane face the direction of
bly in reverse order of removal procedures.
e. Installation. Refer to the Operator and Or-
ganizational Maintenance Manual for electric winter-
ization kit heater control assembly installation in-
Pump rotates counterclockwise when viewed
from the port plate end.
(6) Place o-ring (6) into groove of port plate
(5), then position port plate against cam ring (7).
Refer to the Operator and Organizational Mainten-
Align scribe marks and secure with screws (4).
ance Manual for electric winterization kit heater
assembly maintenance instructions.
(7) Install ball (3), spring (2), and plug (1).
e. Testing. Test coolant pump and motor as-
a. Removal. Refer to the Operator and Organi-
zational Maintenance Manual for coolant pump and
motor assembly removal procedures.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble coolant pump
Refer to the Operator and Organizational Mainten-
and motor assembly by following the sequence of
ance Manual for electric winterization kit coolant
lines and fittings maintenance instructions.