TM 5-6115-465-34
TO 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
TM 06858B/06859D-34
(12) Replace defective wires using wire con-
forming to Military Specification MIL-W-5086,
Type II.
a. Removal. Refer to the Operator and Or-
ganizational Maintenance Manual for heater control
assembly removal instructions.
(13) Inspect housing for cracks, warping,
and corrosion.
(14) Inspect all threads for crossing, stripp-
(1) Disassemble heater control assembly by
ing, and other damage.
following the ascending sequence of index numbers
(15) Replace all damaged or defective parts.
(2) Tag all electrical leads before disconnect-
d. Assembly. Assemble fuel burning heater
control assembly in reverse order of removal pro-
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
e. Installation. Refer to the Operator and
(1) Clean all electrical parts with filtered
Organizational Maintenance Manual for fuel burning
compressed air and a soft bristle brush. If neces-
winterization heater control assembly installation
sary, caked deposits may be removed with a clean,
lint-free cloth moistened with an approved solvent.
(2) Clean all non-electrical parts with a
clean, lint-free cloth moistened with dry cleaning
a. Removal. Refer to the Operator and Organi-
zational Maintenance Manual for heater assembly re-
solvent (Federal Specification P-D-680).
moval instructions.
(3) Inspect ON-OFF switch for cracked cas-
ing, corrosion, and burns or other evidence of
b. Disassembly. Disassemble fuel burning
heater assembly by following the sequence of ascend-
ing index numbers (1 through 75) assigned to figure
8-3 while observing the
(4) Place switch in the ON position and check
for continuity, using an ohmmeter. Ohmmeter shall
(1) Tag or otherwise identify electrical leads
as they are disconnected to facilitate installation.
switch in the OFF position. Ohmmeter shall indicate
open circuit.
(2) Conspicuously mark port plate (47, figure
8-3) and cam ring (49) to
insure that
they will be
(5) Inspect circuit breaker for cracked casing,
stalled properly.
corrosion, and burns or other indications of shorting.
(6) Using an ohmmeter, check for open circuit
across circuit breaker terminals. Ohmmeter shall
indicate open circuit. Depress circuit breaker button.
It is not necessary to completely disassem-
ble the heater assembly to replace a single
Ohmmeter shall indicate continuity.
part. Only those parts requiring repair or
(7) Inspect indicator light lens for cracked or
replacement need be removed.
broken glass, corrosion, and other damage.
Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(8) Inspect lamp for cracked or broken glass,
(1) Clean all
electrical parts with filtered
burned out filament and corrosion.
compressed air and
a soft bristle brush. If neces-
(9) Check indicator light base for cracks,
sary, remove caked
deposits with an approved clean-
ing solvent. Do not
dip electrical parts in cleaning
corrosion, and burns.
(10) Inspect wiring harness for damaged con-
(2) Clean all non-electrical parts with dry
nectors, wires, and terminals. Check individual
cleaning solvent (Federal Specification P-D-680)
and dry thoroughly.
(11) Replace damaged connectors and termin-
(3) Inspect receptacle assembly for cracks,
als by unsoldering and removing electrical leads.
burned or damaged insulation, loose connections and
Install replacement part, make mechanical connect-
bent or broken terminals. Check for continuity be-
ions and solder in accordance with established pro-
tween wires and terminal pins with an ohmmeter.