TM 5-6115-465-34
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
Section III.
(3) Inspect relays for cracked casing. corro-
ded terminals and evidence of shorting or overheat-
The relay table components consist of the tactical
relay assembly, the special relay assembly, and the
(4) Inspect overload protective device for
precise relay assembly. The tactical relay assem-
cracked casing, corroded terminals, and evidence
bly, which is common to all three models, contains
of shorting or overheating.
relays to shutdown the generator set in the event of
over voltage, short circuit, over load, and reverse
(5) Inspect tactical relay resistor assembly
for burns, cracked or damaged components, and
resistors. The special relay assembly, also com-
evidence of shorting.
mon to all three models, contains the relays for the
remainder of the protective devices and the parallel-
(6) Inspect terminal board assembly for
ing controls for the voltage regulator. The precise
cracks, corroded terminals and terminal jumpers,
relay assembly is used only on the 50/60 Hz and
and evidence of shorting.
400 Hz precise models. It contains the paralleling
controls for the governor control unit and the fixed
(7) Inspect wiring harness assembly for ex-
resistors of the frequency adjustment system. The
cessive wear, cracks, stripped threads, damaged
50/60 Hz model of the precise relay assembly also
or loose pins in connectors, and burned wires indi-
contains a frequency selector switch which changes
cating shorts. Check individual wires for continuity
its operation from 50 to 60 Hz.
(8) Check all threads for crossing, stripping,
and peening.
(9) Test reverse power relay as follows:
Do not attempt to perform maintenance
(a) Install reverse power relay in test
on the tactical relay assembly while the
trical shock or death may result from
(b) Place all switches in the open position
failure to observe this warning.
and activate power source G 1. Adjust output until
(c) Place switch S2 in position B and acti-
(1) Disconnect electrical connectors to the
vate power source G3.
tactical relay assembly.
(d) Place switches S1, S4, and S5 in the
closed position.
washers (2) to remove relay assembly from generator
(e) Test lamp DS2 shall illuminate.
(f) Activate power source G2 and adjust
Tag and disconnect electrical leads to
each component prior to removal.
(g) Adjust output of power source G1 until
voltmeter V1 indicates less than 1 volt.
b. Disassembly. Disassemble tactical relay
(h) Position switch S2 in A position and
required for replacement of damaged parts.
switch S3 in closed position.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(i) Slowly increase output of power source
Gl until test lamp DS2 extinguishes and test lamp
(1) Clean tactical relay assembly with filter-
DS1 illuminates.
ed compressed air and a soft bristle brush. If neces-
sary, dirt deposits may be removed with a clean,
(j) Check indication of voltmeter V1. Indi-
lint-free cloth moistened with an approved solvent.
cation shall be 1 to 3 volts.
Dry thoroughly after cleaning with solvent.
(10) Test over voltage relay as follows:
(2) Inspect cover and chassis for cracks,
(a) Install relay in test circuit shown on
corrosion, warping, dents, and defective paint.