NAVFAC P-8-625-34
TM 06858B/06859D-34
(b) Adjust rheostat until voltmeter indicates 14
(f) If current and speed are low, disassemble
starter. and check for high resistance at internal connec-
(c) Ammeter should indicate 540 amperes maxi-
mum at a minimum torque of 26 ft-lb indicated on scale.
(g) If current is high and rpm low, disassemble
and inspect armature shaft and bushings for wear or mis-
(d) If both current and torque are low, disassem-
ble the starter and check for poor internal connections or
improper brush contact. Both of these conditions would
until stalled torque test is completed.
(e) High current and low torque may be caused
(3) Conduct starter assembly stalled torque, test as fol-
by defective armature or field coil assembly.
(f) Remove starter assembly from test setup and
Rheostat must have a minimum ca-
h. Installation. Refer to the Operator and Organiza-
pacity of 1000 amperes.
tional Maintenance Manual for starter assembly installat-
ion procedures.
(a) Install starter assembly in test setup shown in
figure 3-3.
3-6.5 /(3-6.6 Blank)
Change 2