TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
TM 06858B/06859D-12
generator set is not operating, the exterior surface
operation cycle, drain sediment from the fuel tank,
should be thoroughly washed down with clean water.
fuel strainer and filter assembly, day tank. and
secondary fuel filter.
c. Engine. Short en the service interval for
the engine air cleaner and oil filter to compensate
d. Engine Electrical System. Keep the batter-
ies clean and inspect regularly for cracked and dam-
for intake of additional dust or dirt. Keep the ex-
aged cases. Keep the batteries fully charged at all
ternal surface of the engine as clean as possible.
times to avoid freezing. After adding distilled water
d. Fuel System. Drain sediment from the
to the batteries, operate the engine for at least an
hour. Inspect the entire electrical system frequent-
fuel tank, fuel strainer, and fuel filters frequently.
ly for cracked, broken and frayed insulation. Tight-
Be particularly careful to prevent dust or dirt from
en any loose connections and mounting clamps.
entering the fuel tank. Shorten the service inter-
vals for the fuel filters appropriately.
Make sure that lubricants
e . Lubrication.
used are as specified for the prevailing ambient
Lubrication intervals must be
e. Lubrication.
temperature by the current Lubrication Order.
shortened appropriately. Use particular care to
f. Cooling System. Use a hydrometer to check
dust or dirt.
the specific gravity of the coolant. Maintain the
coolant specific gravity as specified for the prevail-
(Up to
If possible, provide a shelter for
the generator set. Keep the generator set doors
Closed as much as possible. Cover the generator set
a. Cooling system. Check coolant level daily.
with canvas or other waterproof material when it is
not being operated. Provide adequate drainage to
Maintain coolant level approximately two inches be-
low the radiator overflow pipe. Check that radiator
prevent water from accumulating on the operation
louver control is operating properly. Check louvers
and radiator air passages for obstructions frequent-
ly. Check fan belt for proper tension. Check cool-
b. Lubrication. Keep the generator set well
ant temperature gauge frequently for any indication
lubricated to protect components from moisture.
of overheating.
tamimted with water.
b. Lubrication. Make sure that lubricants
used are as specified for the prevailing ambient
c. Fuel System. Keep the fuel tank as full as
temperature in the current Lubrication Order.
imum. Drain water from fuel tank, day tank, and
c. Fuel System. When filling the fuel tank,
filters daily. Service the fuel filters more frequent-
allow sufficient space for fuel expansion.
ly than under normal operating conditions.
d. Batteries.
d. Electrical System. Wipe the electrical sys-
Check electrolyte level frequent-
ly. Add distilled water as required to compensate
tem components dry before and after each period of
e . Generator. Keep the generator clean and
. Rust Prevention. Remove moisture from
free of dirt. Make sure that the generator ventilat-
the generator set components before and after each
ing screen is free of obstructions which would inhibit
operating period. Clean and repaint any rusty sur-
air flow.
faces. Remove peeling or blistered paint and repaint.
f . Engine. Keep the external surface of the
engine as clean as possible.
a. Protection.
If possible, provide a shelter
for the generator set. Locate the generator set so
that the radiator faces into the prevailing winds.
Utilize natural barriers or, if possible, fabricate a
a. General. If possible, provide a shelter for
barrier to protect the generator set from salt spray.
the generator set. Use available natural barriers to
shield the generator set from blowing dust or sand.
Keep the generator set covered when not in use and
Keep all access doors closed as much as possible to
keep all access doors closed as much as possible.
prevent entry of dust and sand into the enclosure as-
sembly. If water is available, wet down dusty sur-
operating, wash the exterior surfaces off frequently
face areas around the set frequently.
with clean water.
c. Rust Prevention. Clean and repaint any rusty
b . Cleaning. Wipe dust and sand from the
or corroded surfaces. Remove any defective paint and
generator set components frequently. When the