TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
TM 06858B/06859D-12
Section III.
meter is a dial indicator type gauge calibrated in 5
volt increments from 0 to 500. It indicates the volt-
This section describes and illustrates the vari-
age output of the generator set. Normal indication
ous controls and instruments and provides the
is 120, 208, 240 or 416, depending upon the position
operator with sufficient information to insure
of the reconnection board and the volts-amps trans-
proper operation of the generator set.
fer switch.
The low oil pressure indicator is an indicator lamp
The generator set controls and
with a red lens. It illuminates when the oil pressure
drops below 20 2 psi and the low oil pressure pro-
tective device actuates.
candelabra bayonet base incandescent lamps with a
Coolant High Temperature Indicator (9, fig-
ure 2-7). The coolant high temperature indicator
clear finish. Each lamp is fitted with a hood which
is an indicator lamp with a red lens. It illuminate
is slotted on the bottom to direct light onto the con-
when the coolant temperature rises above 217 + 3F
trolled by the PANEL LIGHTS switch.
and the high coolant temperature protective device
Air Cleaner Condition Indicator (2, figure
2 - 7 ) .
The air cleaner condition indicator is a
press-to-test lamp with a red lens. It illuminates
overspeed indicator is an indicator lamp which has a
to indicate that the engine air cleaner is clogged.
red lens. It illuminates when the engine speed
reaches 2400 to 2450 rpm and the overspeed protect-
ive device actuates.
quency meter is a dial indicator type gauge. For the
50/60 Hz tactical precise and tactical utility, the
meter is calibrated from 48 to 62 Hertz in 0.1
fuel indicator is an indicator lamp with a red lens. It
Hertz increments with the region between 53 and 57
illuminates when the day tank contains only enough
Hertz unmarked. For the 400 Hz tactical precise
fuel for one minute of operation and the low fuel
model, the meter is calibrated in 0.5 Hertz incre-
protective device actuates.
ments from 388 to 412. The frequency meter indi-
cates the frequency of the generator set output.
Normal indication is 400 Hz for Mode II generator
short circuit indicator is an indi cater lamp with a red
sets. For Mode I generator sets, normal indication
lens. It illuminates with the actuation of the short
is determined by the manual speed control adjust-
circuits protective device.
ment (50 or 60 Hz).
overload indicator is an indicator lamp with a red
watt meter is a dial indicator type gauge calibrated
lens. It illuminates when the load on any phase
in percent of rated output from 0 to 133. It indicates
reaches 130% of rated load and the overload protect-
the generator set power output. Normal indication
ive device actuates.
depends on applied load.
under voltage indicator is an indicator lamp with a
The VOLTS-AMPS transfer switch is a rotary type
red lens. It illuminates instantaneously when voltage
switch. It selects current in each phase, three line-
drops below 48 volts or 6 2 seconds after voltage
to-line voltages, and three line-to-neutral voltages
drops to 99 4 volts (tactical precise generator sets
meter is a dial indicator type gauge. For the 50/60
The under frequency indicator is an indicator lamp
Hz tactical precise and tactical utility models, it is
with a red lens. For Mode I sets in 60 Hz operation,
calibrated in percentage or rated current from 0 to
it illuminates when frequency drops to 55 1 Hz.
133 for 60 Hz operation and from 0 to 160 for 50 Hz
For Mode I sets in 50 Hz operation, it illuminates
operation. For the 400 Hz tactical precise model, it
when frequency drops to 46 1 Hz. For Mode II sets,
is calibrated in pert entage of rated current from 0
it illuminates when frequency drops to 370 5 Hz.
to 133. Normal indication depends upon applied load.
This indicator is operational on tactical precise sets