TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
TM 06858B/06859D-12
toggle switch. It is placed in the single unit position
for single unit operation and in the PARALLEL
The reverse power indicator is an indicator lamp
position for parallel operation.
with a red lens. It illuminates when reverse power
exceeds 20% and the reverse power protective de-
vice actuates.
The voltage sensing switch is a double pole. two
position toggle switch. It permits either local or
remote monitoring of the voltage regulator circuit.
over voltage indicator is an indicator lamp with a
red lens. It illuminates when voltage exceeds 153
3 volts and remains for 180 milliseconds and the
panel light switch is a single pole toggle switch. It
over voltage protective device actuates.
fault indicator fuse is 1-1/4 x 1/4 inch, glass, 1
The frequency adjust rheostat increases or de-
amp, 250 volt fuse. It protects the fault indicator
creases the frequency output of the tactical precise
circuits from overload.
generator sets.
t. Test or Reset Switch (19, figure 2-7). The
test or reset switch is a single pole, momentary on,
toggle switch. It permits testing of the fault indica-
tor lamps and resetting of fault indicator lights.
The frequency adjust rheostat is func-
tional on the precise generator sets
dc circuit breaker is a push type circuit breaker.
It closes the 24 Vdc circuit from the battery to the
circuit breaker switch is a three position, momen-
controls. The DC circuit breaker is depressed
tary-on-momentary-off toggle switch. It opens and
(closed) during generator set operation.
closes the main load contactor. The circuit breaker
switch is in the center position during normal
manual speed control is a push-pull control. It con-
trols engine speed and thereby frequency output. A
vernier type adjustment allows finer control. This
The circuit breaker indicator is a press-to-test
control is inoperable on precise models of the gen-
indicator light with a yellow lens. It illuminates
erator set.
when the main load contactor is closed.
battle short switch is a four pole on-off toggle
switch. It is protected by a plastic guard. It per-
start-run-stop switch is a three position toggle
mits emergency operation by bypassing the protec-
switch, used to start and stop the generator set.
tive devices circuits (with the exception of the over-
speed and short circuit). The battle short switch
also locks out the starter circuit. During normal
engine primer switch is a single pole, two position
operation, the battle short switch is in the OFF
toggle switch. When the START-RUN-STOP switch
is in the START position and the ENGINE PRIMER
switch is moved to the ON position, and then releas-
ed, it actuates the ether starting aid. During opera-
battle short indicator is a press-to-test indicator
tion, the switch remains in the OFF position.
lamp with a red lens. It illuminates when the battle
short switch is moved to the ON position and the
generator set is operating.
running time meter is a time totalizing meter which
indicates total engine operating time in hours and
tenths of hours.
The voltage adjust rheostat allows adjustment of the
generator set output voltage.
Battery Charging Ammeter (35, figure 2-7).
The battery charging ammeter is a dial indicator
type gauge which measures dc current flow to and
synchronizing lights are indicator lights with clear
from the battery. It is calibrated in 1 ampere incre-
lens. They indicate the synchronization of frequency
ments from -10 to +20. Normal indication of the
when the operation switch is placed in the
meter is dependent upon the stat e of charge of the
PARALLEL position for paralleling of the generator
battery. A low charge such as exists immediately
after engine starting, will result in a high reading.
When enough charge has been restored to the battery
the indicator should move near 0.
operations switch is a four pole, two position,